Today we welcome Dr. Caron Goode to our writing blog. As part of her blog tour, she is discussing her book, Kids Who See Ghosts, Guide Them Through Their Fear.
Dr. Caron Goode is gifted with compassion in assisting others to effect lasting transformation through spiritual coaching, books, classes and seminars. Caron’s continuous education, experience in psychology and professional writing makes her a great resource for parents wishing to create and maintain a nurturing relationship their children. The common thread of these disciplines is energy of the mind-body-spirit connection and how to access it, bring it into focus and then put it into successful action.
YVONNE: Tell me something about your writing background.
CARON: A creative writing teacher in high school told me I had talent, and that was new to me. I always had an interest writing, which I think came from a veracious reading appetite. At her encouragement, I entered several small writing contests and my entry won. Later as a teacher and diagnostician, I wrote lessons, curriculum, reports—educational writing—and received many professional accolades. Yet I never saw myself as a writer. My writing was always related to my profession, but never became my profession until midlife. The creativity peaked in my forties when thoughts of writing a book crept in. In my fifties, the dam opened and writing books on quirky subjects, great stories, and inspirational topics have become a fun passion.
YVONNE: Your story sounds similar to mine. It was a high school creative writing teacher who believed in me and helped me realize I had a talent for writing. What is the title of your book? Give us the basic story line so we’ll know what it’s about.
CARON: Kids Who See Ghosts, Guide Them Through Their Fears is a response to hundreds of questions from parents about their children seeing apparitions, from ghosts to demons to angels. Seventeen interviews from professionals, parents, psychics, even a skeptic, presents an up front and personal look at the phenomenon. Mostly it is about helping kids move through fears and not be paralyzed by such events.
YVONNE: I can relate so well to your book. I’ve seen into the spirit realm many times and have a grandson who also did when he was younger. What inspired you to write this book?
CARON: These questions about kids who see ghosts poured in after I started a blog on intuitive intelligence and children. I posted my opinion about the A & E channel program called Psychic Kids Who See Ghosts. My marketing specialists, Diane Bourgeois, of Marketing Magic USA said I had a niche there, and I was perfectly qualified to write the book. Moreover I was inspired by my childhood experiences of growing up very “Irish Catholic” and seeing the saints when I was a child. I thought everyone saw them.
YVONNE: I’ve seen the show you are talking about and I was amazed at the way the show not only demonstrated the gift these kids have, but also their fears surrounding it. At the end of the show, the children were more accepting of their gift and felt less isolated once their parents understood that the kids were perfectly normal. I really appreciate your writing the book to help adults guide psychic kids. Is this the first book you have written?
CARON: No, this is not my first book. I have a dozen books in education, parenting, and health under my belt.
YVONNE: How long did it take to write this book?
CARON: I wrote this book in three months, which is very tight for me.
YVONNE: Any interesting tidbits about your writing method or how the book developed?
CARON: I am a slow writer. My first draft contains words that are carefully considered. If I can say it with one word and not three, I do write in stages–gather all material, include all material on the topic, and then I have a draft of the 200-page count. From there, I will hone it down, tighten, edit, and cut. I may go through the manuscript twice or five times. I also find I need an editor to clean up the details and polish the text.
Like most writers, I also go with my gut. If a section doesn’t feel right or flow right, I have to stop and fix it. If I do not, the editor always catches it.
YVONNE: We all need editors. Even though I earn a living as an editor, I still have my own books edited. It’s hard to catch our own mistakes no matter how many times we go over the text. And, I love the way you trust your intuition about a passage not “feeling” right. We would all do well to listen to our intuition more. Tell me about your publishing experience and what you learned from it.
CARON: My agent loved the book idea and sold it to the publisher quickly. So Red Wheel/Weiser supports authors well and thoroughly reviews the book through two or three sets of eyes. I have excitement because this year, for this book, I have an enthusiastic team who love the book and are going all out to make it sell well. This is in contrast to the previous year when Raising Intuitive Children received little support from the team.
YVONNE: Being picked up by a conventional publisher certainly does ensure good marketing. It’s still up to the author to do a lot of promotion like you are doing. Where is your book available? Do you have a Web site or blog where we can learn more about you or your book?
CARON: My Web site is and the book will be on
YVONNE: Tell me some ways you have promoted your book. Give examples and links to any sites you feel might help other authors.
CARON: We are promoting through a syndicated column, Kids Who See Ghosts . . .
Blog Tour. I think your site and are wonderful sites for all writers, whether new or seasoned. We are having a blog tour for the book, as well as an Amazon email campaign.
YVONNE: I’m looking forward to posting on your syndicated column and I’m thrilled to be part of your blog tour for this wonderful book. Any other comment you would like to share?
CARON: Thanks for the opportunity to be on your site, which is a phenomenal resource for writers. I subscribe to your e-zine and recommend your work to others.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to get to know you and learn about your book. I wish you well in your journey as an author.
YVONNE: I’m glad to be able to help writers and authors. I truly appreciate your support, Caron. It is a privilege to network with you. I wish you much success on this timely and well-written book.
Tomorrow Ellen Braun will host Caron on her blog with an article about how parents help kids through fears.
Minister, metaphysical author, light language activation facilitator, and shaman-ka, who helps people shift into their highest and most loving selves.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
WITS Client Testimonial from Barbara and Frankie Techel
I don’t share these very often, but I feel it is time for a WITS client testimonial. I am so proud of Barbara and Frankie Techel.
Barbara Techel has a passion for bringing a positive face and voice to all animals with disabilities. Her disabled daschund, Frankie, was the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame Companion Dog. Barbara emailed to tell me some really good news about her second book in the Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog book series titled Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Visits Libby’s House. Arf-a-rooooo! Way to go, girls!
Here is what she shared with me:
Hi, Yvonne,
Just had to let you know that the Frankie book you helped me edit is a winner in the children's non-fiction category for the 2010 Indie Excellence Awards for children’s nonfiction! I'm so excited! My first Frankie book was a finalist in 2008, but I'm so pleased to have placed as a winner this year. And I know it is because in part because of all the help I received from you—so thank you my BFF!
Barbara Techel,
Web site
Frankie's blog
Invite Frankie to visit your classroom, library, or book club via Skype an Author
Barbara Techel has a passion for bringing a positive face and voice to all animals with disabilities. Her disabled daschund, Frankie, was the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame Companion Dog. Barbara emailed to tell me some really good news about her second book in the Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog book series titled Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Visits Libby’s House. Arf-a-rooooo! Way to go, girls!
Here is what she shared with me:
Hi, Yvonne,
Just had to let you know that the Frankie book you helped me edit is a winner in the children's non-fiction category for the 2010 Indie Excellence Awards for children’s nonfiction! I'm so excited! My first Frankie book was a finalist in 2008, but I'm so pleased to have placed as a winner this year. And I know it is because in part because of all the help I received from you—so thank you my BFF!
Barbara Techel,
Web site
Frankie's blog
Invite Frankie to visit your classroom, library, or book club via Skype an Author
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Seven Things Writers Need to Know Today
by Joel Friedlander
What writers need to know about the current state of publishing is that it is undergoing
epochal change. Every part of the publishing industry is being affected by digitization, the rise of social media, and an unrelenting pressure on profits throughout the business.
Book publishing has been a tradition-bound business. The books themselves have barely changed since the 15th century, they've only gotten easier to produce and consequently, cheaper. Technology has, until very recently, been in service to the way authors, publishers and booksellers have arranged the business of publishing.
In the meantime we continue to operate with the standard agent-publisher-author relationships, with the same consignment mentality in the bookselling world, in which all books are returnable for full credit. But the difference is that everyone knows this world is coming to an end, that most of the old structures will not survive the next change in publishing, and that the structures that do survive will be fundamentally different.
Today's writer, even if they are lucky enough to quickly get a book contract from one of our major publishers, needs to know:
The biggest obligation writers have is to the truth of their writing. The next most important thing for anyone who thinks about publication is getting educated. Start off with a good book, be open to new influences, and learn as much as you possibly can. Get involved in the hundreds of discussions going on. The process itself is its own reward.
Joel Friedlander is the proprietor of Marin Bookworks, a publishing services company in San Rafael, California that has launched many self-publishers. Joel is a book designer, a self-published author, and blogs about publishing, book design, and the indie publishing life at
What writers need to know about the current state of publishing is that it is undergoing
epochal change. Every part of the publishing industry is being affected by digitization, the rise of social media, and an unrelenting pressure on profits throughout the business.
Book publishing has been a tradition-bound business. The books themselves have barely changed since the 15th century, they've only gotten easier to produce and consequently, cheaper. Technology has, until very recently, been in service to the way authors, publishers and booksellers have arranged the business of publishing.
In the meantime we continue to operate with the standard agent-publisher-author relationships, with the same consignment mentality in the bookselling world, in which all books are returnable for full credit. But the difference is that everyone knows this world is coming to an end, that most of the old structures will not survive the next change in publishing, and that the structures that do survive will be fundamentally different.
Today's writer, even if they are lucky enough to quickly get a book contract from one of our major publishers, needs to know:
- How to find resources online The abundance of resources online is simply staggering. From writing forums to free-writing websites, from agent blogs to writing webinars, you need to know how to find trustworthy sources of information.
- How to build a "platform," online and off Publishers are making more decisions based on the marketability of the author, rather than the book itself. Authors with huge online followings simply represent less risk for publishers today. Can you deliver a fan base along with a manuscript?
- What their options are for publication Many of the changes going on right now in publishing are due to the growing popularity of digital printing and print on demand distribution. This technology has put the ability to produce books into the hands of the ordinary person. Anyone sitting at a computer can now take a manuscript they've written and get very good looking softcover books a few days--or in some cases a few minutes—after putting in an order. And they can do this without spending any more than the wholesale cost of the books they buy. The explosion of self-publishing spurred by this technology is creating new types of publishers, new organizations, and new vitality and credibility for independent publishers. Each of the different paths you might choose to get published has its own risks and rewards, and you will have to know them before you can decide which path is right for you.
- What kind of personality they want to project Many writers have taken to blogging and other forms of social media with joy and enthusiasm, and they have multiplied their options for marketing their books and connecting with their own "tribe" of readers. Less gregarious writers may need to find a way to represent themselves where they can attract potential readers. I don't mean to say that all writers are seeking readers. I'm saying that we write to be read, and whether you have three dedicated readers or 3,000, every writer has an investment in completing the loop, in being heard.
- How to interact in social media Every few months it seems like there are new ways to connect to people who share our interests. But the online environment has its own social norms, and spending time on social media pays dividends if you can make yourself heard in a way that interests, instructs, or entertains people. Many writers have their own websites, they blog regularly, and may have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. Writers need to know how to establish themselves and foster long-term relationships within the context of a tsunami of tweets and status updates, to build connections that are lasting.
- That e-books will bring an even bigger change to publishing E-books, readable on computers, have been around for a long time. Amazon's Kindle has gotten people used to reading on a dedicated screen that tries to mimic a book. Now the Apple iPad looks ready to launch us into the next phase of the e-book revolution. E-books give writers even more options. Some authors are scared of the potential piracy of their works. Others are giving away books as fast as they can, or looking the other way at thousands of pirated books because it helps them build their brand. But as digitization in all its forms spreads, e-books will eventually become the norm, and printed book will become special editions. I don't see printed books disappearing soon, but the eventual dominance of e-books in their place looks inevitable.
- How to take the long view The one thing that's certain is that we don't know what will happen next. Magazines want to quit cutting down trees entirely and find a home on something like the beautiful multi-media screen of the iPad. Although it's harder than ever to get an agent, more agents are approachable online than ever before. Sanity lies in the long view, in nurturing your own creativity above all. If you seek an audience, or publication, start putting yourself out for others to discover, and enjoy, now. You can't start too soon.
The biggest obligation writers have is to the truth of their writing. The next most important thing for anyone who thinks about publication is getting educated. Start off with a good book, be open to new influences, and learn as much as you possibly can. Get involved in the hundreds of discussions going on. The process itself is its own reward.
Joel Friedlander is the proprietor of Marin Bookworks, a publishing services company in San Rafael, California that has launched many self-publishers. Joel is a book designer, a self-published author, and blogs about publishing, book design, and the indie publishing life at
Friday, May 21, 2010
TGIF May 21, 2010, Patrick Ryan
TGI Friday! I have uploaded a new show to my podcast this week! Author Patrick Ryan will be joining us on Writers in the Sky Podcast today to discuss his latest book, Awakened Wisdom.
Patrick Ryan is an executive coach, leadership trainer, author, and founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences™ Inc. Ryan died from a drug overdose in his late teens, only to be revived with a new understanding of the Divine. He went on to be a successful entrepreneur, a Buddhist monk in Burma, and now an executive coach, trainer, and author. As a former Buddhist monk in Burma (now Myanmar), he practiced the path of awakened living, according to Buddhist philosophy. Patrick works with executives and entrepreneurs, focusing on questions of personal effectiveness and leadership. He powerfully integrates his rich life experiences with ancient teachings and modern applications to help deepen his clients’ understandings of their own experiences.
Awakened Wisdom blends Buddhist, Native, and collected wisdoms into a beautifully crafted healing message for our modern culture. Patrick Ryan’s own life experiences greatly inform this work, and his message to his readers is simple and profound: we are at choice when it comes to how we want to live our lives during our brief time on this planet. In addition to sage teachings about ways of understanding our Selves, he also dedicates an entire half of the book to understanding and embodying the eight states of an awakened life. With exercises, daily practices, and plenty of anecdotes, Awakened Wisdom is sure to resonate with spiritual newcomers and advanced practitioners alike.
Find out more about Patrick Ryan and Awakened Wisdom at
Listening to Writers in the Sky Podcast on a computer is easy. Just click this link: and go to my blog.On the right sidebar there is a list of archived shows. Click on the interview you would like to hear and it will open a post that has a link to the audio file.
Have you thought of hosting your own podcast? It's easy. Learn how at
If you enjoy this podcast, be sure to leave a comment on iTunes to help others find it.
Patrick Ryan is an executive coach, leadership trainer, author, and founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences™ Inc. Ryan died from a drug overdose in his late teens, only to be revived with a new understanding of the Divine. He went on to be a successful entrepreneur, a Buddhist monk in Burma, and now an executive coach, trainer, and author. As a former Buddhist monk in Burma (now Myanmar), he practiced the path of awakened living, according to Buddhist philosophy. Patrick works with executives and entrepreneurs, focusing on questions of personal effectiveness and leadership. He powerfully integrates his rich life experiences with ancient teachings and modern applications to help deepen his clients’ understandings of their own experiences.

Find out more about Patrick Ryan and Awakened Wisdom at
Listening to Writers in the Sky Podcast on a computer is easy. Just click this link: and go to my blog.On the right sidebar there is a list of archived shows. Click on the interview you would like to hear and it will open a post that has a link to the audio file.
Have you thought of hosting your own podcast? It's easy. Learn how at
If you enjoy this podcast, be sure to leave a comment on iTunes to help others find it.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Some Timely Advice for Self-Published Authors
Why is it so difficult for self-published authors to successfully attract the attention of book reviewers, distributors, wholesalers, and retail booksellers? Jim Cox, editor-in-chief and founder of the Midwest Book Review, offers some suggestions on what to do about it.
As well as authors that set up their own publishing company to produce their books, I include in the category of self-published authors those that utilize POD companies like iUniverse, AuthorHouse, Trafford, Infinity, BookSurge, Outskirts Press, PublishAmerica, Lulu, Vantage, Tate, and the dozens of other companies who, for a price, will take any author's manuscript and turn it into a book.
It is very well known (or should be) that the Midwest Book Review has championed self-published authors from our very beginning in 1976 down to the present day. And will continue to do so for as long as I remain its editor-in-chief.
Our current book review publications for May 2010 feature reviews for 47 POD published titles and reviews for 6 books whose self-published authors didn't even bother to create a publishing company name for themselves and so were identified in the 'info block' that is a part of all our reviews as being 'Privately Published.'
There's about a half-dozen reviews for self-published books that didn't even have snail-mail addresses available for their 'info blocks' - only email ones.
Those self-published authors who did make up their own company names (complete with intact address contact information), the number of reviews runs to somewhere around a hundred or so.
Therefore my comments on why self-published authors tend to labor under a prejudice within the publishing industry are well-meant by a truly sympathetic observer.
Here they are:
1. Substandard covers which render a book to be uncompetitive on esthetic grounds to the casual bookstore browser. You can have pure literary gold inside, but if the outside screams 'amateur' or is otherwise repellent, it will get passed over as its competition on the shelf proves more attractive in seducing the buyer's attention. This lack of competitive appeal also applies to reviewers, bookstore managers, and everyone else in the between the publisher and the reader, when considering to accept or reject a title.
2. Interior flaws that run the gamut from excessive typos, to grammatical errors, to exasperating font selection.
3. Content categories that are flooded in the marketplace with competition and/or have limited mainstream audience appeal. The market for poetry is minuscule. The demand for personal memoirs of overcoming medical, psychological, or flawed upbringing adversities is even smaller. Because of the ease of desk-top publishing, each year sees works of general fiction increasingly flooding a marketplace where each of those years sees a smaller percentage of people spending their leisure time reading general fiction.
4. Ignorance and/or naivety in dealing with the various elements of the publishing industry and therefore coming across as non-professionals. With respect to reviewers, this is often displayed by inadequate review copy submissions where the requirements were not met. With respect to booksellers it is very much the same.
5. When it comes to reviewers, the single most grievous thing a few (and in my experience, very few) self-published authors do to 'spoil it' for all other self-published authors is to harass a reviewer about the review process - that is, persistent and frequent questioning as to when their book will be reviewed, why their book was not selected for review, taking personal offense with respect to the actual review when one is done. It only takes a handful of such experiences to sour a professional reviewer or a book review editor into not wanting to deal with someone who is not a seasoned, experienced, professional author. For wanting to avoid authors who are so emotionally and/or financially invested in their self-published book that they become rude, and even down right abusive.
And please believe me when I say that in the 34 years I've been doing this I've had these kinds of encounters more times that I can count.
So how can a self-published author overcome this publishing industry reluctance to get involved with a self-published book?
1. Appear and act as professionally and maturely as you possibly can in every aspect of your contacts with reviewers, booksellers, and everyone else in the publishing industry you encounter, solicit, or market to.
2. Insure that your book is flawless with respect to what's inside, and competitive in terms of its outside appearance.
3. If your book is in a category where the numbers of competing titles is enormous, concentrate on marketing your title as if it were something very special, identifying and capitalizing on something that would make it 'stand out in the crowd.' If your book is in a category of a minimal or a specialized readership, target your marketing efforts directly to that niche group.
4. Don't expect to make a profit, or even recoup your initial investment, in the short term. Be prepared to engage in a long-term effort, one in which the months will turn into years, and the years into decades - with you plugging away in your marketing efforts throughout it all. And expect to learn new (and hone existing) publishing and book marketing tips, tricks and techniques throughout it all.
This article was reprinted by The Book Marketing Expert Newsletter, a free e-zine offering book promotion and publicity tips and techniques, who was given permission from the Midwest Book Review. Jim Cox is Editor-in-Chief and founder of the Midwest Book Review from 1976 to the present day, producing nine monthly book review publications and a major provider of reviews for and library systems across the country. The Midwest Book Review is dedicated to promotion literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. Visit the Midwest Book Review at
As well as authors that set up their own publishing company to produce their books, I include in the category of self-published authors those that utilize POD companies like iUniverse, AuthorHouse, Trafford, Infinity, BookSurge, Outskirts Press, PublishAmerica, Lulu, Vantage, Tate, and the dozens of other companies who, for a price, will take any author's manuscript and turn it into a book.
It is very well known (or should be) that the Midwest Book Review has championed self-published authors from our very beginning in 1976 down to the present day. And will continue to do so for as long as I remain its editor-in-chief.
Our current book review publications for May 2010 feature reviews for 47 POD published titles and reviews for 6 books whose self-published authors didn't even bother to create a publishing company name for themselves and so were identified in the 'info block' that is a part of all our reviews as being 'Privately Published.'
There's about a half-dozen reviews for self-published books that didn't even have snail-mail addresses available for their 'info blocks' - only email ones.
Those self-published authors who did make up their own company names (complete with intact address contact information), the number of reviews runs to somewhere around a hundred or so.
Therefore my comments on why self-published authors tend to labor under a prejudice within the publishing industry are well-meant by a truly sympathetic observer.
Here they are:
1. Substandard covers which render a book to be uncompetitive on esthetic grounds to the casual bookstore browser. You can have pure literary gold inside, but if the outside screams 'amateur' or is otherwise repellent, it will get passed over as its competition on the shelf proves more attractive in seducing the buyer's attention. This lack of competitive appeal also applies to reviewers, bookstore managers, and everyone else in the between the publisher and the reader, when considering to accept or reject a title.
2. Interior flaws that run the gamut from excessive typos, to grammatical errors, to exasperating font selection.
3. Content categories that are flooded in the marketplace with competition and/or have limited mainstream audience appeal. The market for poetry is minuscule. The demand for personal memoirs of overcoming medical, psychological, or flawed upbringing adversities is even smaller. Because of the ease of desk-top publishing, each year sees works of general fiction increasingly flooding a marketplace where each of those years sees a smaller percentage of people spending their leisure time reading general fiction.
4. Ignorance and/or naivety in dealing with the various elements of the publishing industry and therefore coming across as non-professionals. With respect to reviewers, this is often displayed by inadequate review copy submissions where the requirements were not met. With respect to booksellers it is very much the same.
5. When it comes to reviewers, the single most grievous thing a few (and in my experience, very few) self-published authors do to 'spoil it' for all other self-published authors is to harass a reviewer about the review process - that is, persistent and frequent questioning as to when their book will be reviewed, why their book was not selected for review, taking personal offense with respect to the actual review when one is done. It only takes a handful of such experiences to sour a professional reviewer or a book review editor into not wanting to deal with someone who is not a seasoned, experienced, professional author. For wanting to avoid authors who are so emotionally and/or financially invested in their self-published book that they become rude, and even down right abusive.
And please believe me when I say that in the 34 years I've been doing this I've had these kinds of encounters more times that I can count.
So how can a self-published author overcome this publishing industry reluctance to get involved with a self-published book?
1. Appear and act as professionally and maturely as you possibly can in every aspect of your contacts with reviewers, booksellers, and everyone else in the publishing industry you encounter, solicit, or market to.
2. Insure that your book is flawless with respect to what's inside, and competitive in terms of its outside appearance.
3. If your book is in a category where the numbers of competing titles is enormous, concentrate on marketing your title as if it were something very special, identifying and capitalizing on something that would make it 'stand out in the crowd.' If your book is in a category of a minimal or a specialized readership, target your marketing efforts directly to that niche group.
4. Don't expect to make a profit, or even recoup your initial investment, in the short term. Be prepared to engage in a long-term effort, one in which the months will turn into years, and the years into decades - with you plugging away in your marketing efforts throughout it all. And expect to learn new (and hone existing) publishing and book marketing tips, tricks and techniques throughout it all.
This article was reprinted by The Book Marketing Expert Newsletter, a free e-zine offering book promotion and publicity tips and techniques, who was given permission from the Midwest Book Review. Jim Cox is Editor-in-Chief and founder of the Midwest Book Review from 1976 to the present day, producing nine monthly book review publications and a major provider of reviews for and library systems across the country. The Midwest Book Review is dedicated to promotion literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. Visit the Midwest Book Review at
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Why Trust Anyone Else?
By Dave Mendonca
In today’s distraction-filled world, if your message isn’t effectively communicated, it could be lost in the clutter. If that happens, you can lose your audience, which could cost you financially.
Writer’s in the Sky Creative Writing Services (WITS) is in the business of making sure your message is properly conveyed, packaged, and delivered for optimum success.
WITS owner and award-winning author, Yvonne Perry. and her talented staff, can assist you with any writing project. They supply various services including writing, editing, proofreading, and marketing. With their professional and quality customer service approach, it is no wonder the WITS team has satisfied clients across the United States.
WITS realizes the importance of providing services that can make your writing life easier. For example, if you’re having trouble putting together the book you’ve been dreaming of, a WITS team member can step in and help ghostwrite for you. With WITS’ ghostwriting assistance, several of its clients’ books have become best sellers in their respective categories.
In addition to writing services, WITS has a wealth of online expertise. If you and/or your company do not have time to update your daily blog, WITS can do the job. If you’re a writer who wants to learn to improve and market your work, you can listen to The Writers in the Sky Podcast, which features guests from the book and public relations industries.
This is another reason why Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services is a cut above the rest. Not only does it provide top quality assistance, but it also offers valuable learning opportunities. In addition to the podcast, Yvonne is kind enough to give various Web site links of suggested books, literary agents, and other tips to writers. This is added value for those who want to go to a higher level in their writing career.
As I mentioned earlier, WITS is dedicated to communicating your message effectively. Whether you’re a writer and/or company trying to target a specific audience, you can’t do it without properly edited content. The WITS team has a collection of skilled editors who can transform any poorly written material into coherent and engaging copy. Imagine trying to market your services without proofreading your advertising copy for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure mistakes? It's potential embarrassment you don't need in your life. You can avoid it by having WITS edit or proofread your work.
Yvonne's WITS team is the backbone of this company. She has assembled a tremendous group of freelance writers, ghostwriters, book editors, and proofreaders who have contributed greatly to WITS' success. Their ability to provide professional, quality work quickly has been a staple of the business for almost seven years. This is why when you're investigating where to spend your hard earned dollars for writing services, WITS is the best destination.
You will always receive top quality results with a terrific personal touch. Yvonne and her WITS staff will take the time to find out what you're looking for and how the project can be executed to your satisfaction.
Ultimately, it's your money and reputation at stake, so why trust someone who isn't proven and can't deliver?
Really, there's only one choice for your writing needs.
Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services
"Putting the Right Words in the Write Places"
In today’s distraction-filled world, if your message isn’t effectively communicated, it could be lost in the clutter. If that happens, you can lose your audience, which could cost you financially.
Writer’s in the Sky Creative Writing Services (WITS) is in the business of making sure your message is properly conveyed, packaged, and delivered for optimum success.
WITS owner and award-winning author, Yvonne Perry. and her talented staff, can assist you with any writing project. They supply various services including writing, editing, proofreading, and marketing. With their professional and quality customer service approach, it is no wonder the WITS team has satisfied clients across the United States.
WITS realizes the importance of providing services that can make your writing life easier. For example, if you’re having trouble putting together the book you’ve been dreaming of, a WITS team member can step in and help ghostwrite for you. With WITS’ ghostwriting assistance, several of its clients’ books have become best sellers in their respective categories.
In addition to writing services, WITS has a wealth of online expertise. If you and/or your company do not have time to update your daily blog, WITS can do the job. If you’re a writer who wants to learn to improve and market your work, you can listen to The Writers in the Sky Podcast, which features guests from the book and public relations industries.
This is another reason why Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services is a cut above the rest. Not only does it provide top quality assistance, but it also offers valuable learning opportunities. In addition to the podcast, Yvonne is kind enough to give various Web site links of suggested books, literary agents, and other tips to writers. This is added value for those who want to go to a higher level in their writing career.
As I mentioned earlier, WITS is dedicated to communicating your message effectively. Whether you’re a writer and/or company trying to target a specific audience, you can’t do it without properly edited content. The WITS team has a collection of skilled editors who can transform any poorly written material into coherent and engaging copy. Imagine trying to market your services without proofreading your advertising copy for spelling, grammar, and sentence structure mistakes? It's potential embarrassment you don't need in your life. You can avoid it by having WITS edit or proofread your work.
Yvonne's WITS team is the backbone of this company. She has assembled a tremendous group of freelance writers, ghostwriters, book editors, and proofreaders who have contributed greatly to WITS' success. Their ability to provide professional, quality work quickly has been a staple of the business for almost seven years. This is why when you're investigating where to spend your hard earned dollars for writing services, WITS is the best destination.
You will always receive top quality results with a terrific personal touch. Yvonne and her WITS staff will take the time to find out what you're looking for and how the project can be executed to your satisfaction.
Ultimately, it's your money and reputation at stake, so why trust someone who isn't proven and can't deliver?
Really, there's only one choice for your writing needs.
Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services
"Putting the Right Words in the Write Places"
Monday, May 17, 2010
Awakened Wisdom
Patrick Ryan will be joining us on Writers in the Sky Podcast May 21st, 2010. He will be discussing his latest book, Awakened Wisdom.
Awakened Wisdom blends Buddhist, Native, and collected wisdoms into a beautifully crafted healing message for our modern culture. Patrick Ryan’s own life experiences greatly inform this work, and his message to his readers is simple and profound: we are at choice when it comes to how we want to live our lives during our brief time on this planet. In addition to sage teachings about ways of understanding our Selves, he also dedicates an entire half of the book to understanding and embodying the eight states of an awakened life. With exercises, daily practices, and plenty of anecdotes, Awakened Wisdom is sure to resonate with spiritual newcomers and advanced practitioners alike.
Patrick Ryan is an executive coach, leadership trainer, author, and founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences™ Inc. Ryan died from a drug overdose in his late teens, only to be revived with a new understanding of the Divine. He went on to be a successful entrepreneur, a Buddhist monk in Burma, and now an executive coach, trainer, and author. As a former Buddhist monk in Burma (now Myanmar), he practiced the path of awakened living, according to Buddhist philosophy. Patrick works with executives and entrepreneurs, focusing on questions of personal effectiveness and leadership. He powerfully integrates his rich life experiences with ancient teachings and modern applications to help deepen his clients’ understandings of their own experiences.
Find out more about Patrick Ryan and Awakened Wisdom at
Awakened Wisdom blends Buddhist, Native, and collected wisdoms into a beautifully crafted healing message for our modern culture. Patrick Ryan’s own life experiences greatly inform this work, and his message to his readers is simple and profound: we are at choice when it comes to how we want to live our lives during our brief time on this planet. In addition to sage teachings about ways of understanding our Selves, he also dedicates an entire half of the book to understanding and embodying the eight states of an awakened life. With exercises, daily practices, and plenty of anecdotes, Awakened Wisdom is sure to resonate with spiritual newcomers and advanced practitioners alike.
Patrick Ryan is an executive coach, leadership trainer, author, and founder of Awakened Wisdom Experiences™ Inc. Ryan died from a drug overdose in his late teens, only to be revived with a new understanding of the Divine. He went on to be a successful entrepreneur, a Buddhist monk in Burma, and now an executive coach, trainer, and author. As a former Buddhist monk in Burma (now Myanmar), he practiced the path of awakened living, according to Buddhist philosophy. Patrick works with executives and entrepreneurs, focusing on questions of personal effectiveness and leadership. He powerfully integrates his rich life experiences with ancient teachings and modern applications to help deepen his clients’ understandings of their own experiences.
Find out more about Patrick Ryan and Awakened Wisdom at
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Single Mom Juggles Her Freelance Writing Career
Writers in the Sky editor Sarah Moore and I met at a political forum when I was volunteering with Toastmasters and the American League of Citizens and she was running for Metro Council. That was in 2003, the year I started my freelance writing business.
Sarah and I talked then about how she would like to do something that involved her love of writing. With her academic and teaching background, I would have loved to have her on my team, but since I was just starting out, it was not possible at the time.
Years passed, my business grew, and so did Sarah's family. Giving birth to her first child—a beautiful daughter named Catherine—Sarah became busy with her new role as a mother. After Catherine became an independent (ha ha!) two year old, Sarah was ready to return to work and supplement her household income. But the thought of leaving her child in an expensive daycare to go to a job she really didn't enjoy, was unappealing at best. Sarah and I agreed that the time for change had come. We were ready to take her writing and my business to the next level, so I began sending her writing assignments. She did a superb job with everything I ask her to do and soon she became our podcast coordinator and author's assistant.
Sarah became a single mom while she was pregnant with her second child. I watched her struggle through a divorce and find her legs as she took to a new position in life like a baby bird who was learning to fly. She never gave up, complained, or used her personal problems as an excuse to miss a project deadline. I was impressed to say the least.
Now, her day to really shine has come. Fully empowered as a business woman and single mom, Sarah is now a full-time writer and editor for the Writers in the Sky team. In taking this role, she passed her marketing baton to Vonnie Faroqui, who graciously accepted the role as podcast coordinator and author's assistant for WITS clients.
On May 6, Sarah accepted an invitation to be a guest on The Nadia Sahari Show where she discussed how her interest in writing developed, how she balances her responsibilities as a single mom and full-time writer/editor, and what she sees unfolding in her career over the next five or ten years.
Listen to the interview now . . .
Spread your wings and fly, Sarah! WITS is proud of you.
Sarah and I talked then about how she would like to do something that involved her love of writing. With her academic and teaching background, I would have loved to have her on my team, but since I was just starting out, it was not possible at the time.
Years passed, my business grew, and so did Sarah's family. Giving birth to her first child—a beautiful daughter named Catherine—Sarah became busy with her new role as a mother. After Catherine became an independent (ha ha!) two year old, Sarah was ready to return to work and supplement her household income. But the thought of leaving her child in an expensive daycare to go to a job she really didn't enjoy, was unappealing at best. Sarah and I agreed that the time for change had come. We were ready to take her writing and my business to the next level, so I began sending her writing assignments. She did a superb job with everything I ask her to do and soon she became our podcast coordinator and author's assistant.
Sarah became a single mom while she was pregnant with her second child. I watched her struggle through a divorce and find her legs as she took to a new position in life like a baby bird who was learning to fly. She never gave up, complained, or used her personal problems as an excuse to miss a project deadline. I was impressed to say the least.
Now, her day to really shine has come. Fully empowered as a business woman and single mom, Sarah is now a full-time writer and editor for the Writers in the Sky team. In taking this role, she passed her marketing baton to Vonnie Faroqui, who graciously accepted the role as podcast coordinator and author's assistant for WITS clients.
On May 6, Sarah accepted an invitation to be a guest on The Nadia Sahari Show where she discussed how her interest in writing developed, how she balances her responsibilities as a single mom and full-time writer/editor, and what she sees unfolding in her career over the next five or ten years.
Listen to the interview now . . .
Spread your wings and fly, Sarah! WITS is proud of you.
Friday, May 14, 2010
TGIF May 14th, 2010! 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home by Tisha Morris
Tisha Morris will be joining Vonnie Faroqui on Writers in the Sky Podcast today to discuss her book, 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home.
Tisha Morris is a certified life coach, feng shui consultant, energy healer, and author of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home (Turner Publishing). She practiced law for ten years and holds a Fine Arts degree in Interior Design. Tisha’s transformational journey from attorney to healer has given her invaluable experience in which to help others make desired changes.
Tisha’s passion is healing spaces by blending traditional feng shui techniques and interior design aesthetics with healing energy. In doing so, not only does the space undergo a transformation, but all those who occupy and encounter the space as well.
“If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home.” This ancient Chinese proverb speaks of the powerful connection our homes have with our lives. In 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home, Tisha Morris shows in creative, basic steps how to use the art of feng shui to create an inviting, personal atmosphere in your home that will renovate your life.
Discover how to:
· Manageably clear clutter to optimize space
· Use lighting, color, and simple objects to create good energy flow
· Space clear to promote good health
· Integrate the five elements into your home to create harmony>
Tisha is based in Nashville, TN with most of her services available in-person or distance at .
27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home is available on

Tisha’s passion is healing spaces by blending traditional feng shui techniques and interior design aesthetics with healing energy. In doing so, not only does the space undergo a transformation, but all those who occupy and encounter the space as well.

“If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home.” This ancient Chinese proverb speaks of the powerful connection our homes have with our lives. In 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home, Tisha Morris shows in creative, basic steps how to use the art of feng shui to create an inviting, personal atmosphere in your home that will renovate your life.
Discover how to:
· Manageably clear clutter to optimize space
· Use lighting, color, and simple objects to create good energy flow
· Space clear to promote good health
· Integrate the five elements into your home to create harmony>
Tisha is based in Nashville, TN with most of her services available in-person or distance at .
27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home is available on

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Help With Article Marketing, Blogging, and Web Site Text
There are some types of writing that many business owners may not be familiar with. Do you know about article marketing? You can write a content-rich article and post it on article directories where thousands of people can read your article when it pops up in their Internet search. Make sure you put in your resource box your bio and a call to action with a link to your site. Don’t feel like writing today? Grab someone else’s article to use as content for your blog or newsletter. It’s free, and it’s a win-win for everyone. I can help you write or edit your article and create a good resource box, so let me know if you need help.
Speaking of blogs, do you have one? If not, you can set one up for free at If you already have a blog, are you posting quality content on a regular basis? Search engines return search results for sites that are updated or maintained regularly, and tend to ignore those that are stagnant. Back links are also important, so when you visit a blog, be sure to leave a comment. This automatically establishes a link back to your blog or Web site. Participating in a blog chain is an effective and fun way to network. Learn how in this article and let me know if you are interested. I’ll set one up for us. We need at least eight people to make it worthwhile, so ask your friends to participate as well.
If you have a Web site, be sure to update it regularly. This not only helps search engines find you, it shows your visitors that you are on top of things, attentive to details, and staying current with all your projects. If you need someone to write, edit, or proofread the text on your site, please let me know. I have a team of writers and editors that allow me to offer very affordable rates and prompt turnaround time on projects.
If you need help with blogging or Web site text, please contact Sarah Moore to discuss your project: or phone (615) 423-2467.
Speaking of blogs, do you have one? If not, you can set one up for free at If you already have a blog, are you posting quality content on a regular basis? Search engines return search results for sites that are updated or maintained regularly, and tend to ignore those that are stagnant. Back links are also important, so when you visit a blog, be sure to leave a comment. This automatically establishes a link back to your blog or Web site. Participating in a blog chain is an effective and fun way to network. Learn how in this article and let me know if you are interested. I’ll set one up for us. We need at least eight people to make it worthwhile, so ask your friends to participate as well.
If you have a Web site, be sure to update it regularly. This not only helps search engines find you, it shows your visitors that you are on top of things, attentive to details, and staying current with all your projects. If you need someone to write, edit, or proofread the text on your site, please let me know. I have a team of writers and editors that allow me to offer very affordable rates and prompt turnaround time on projects.
If you need help with blogging or Web site text, please contact Sarah Moore to discuss your project: or phone (615) 423-2467.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Calling for Submissions for June 2010 Ezine
It's time for me to start putting together the next fantastic and information-filled e-zine for June 2010. That means I need you to send me your articles, contest announcements, and brags to be included in the next issue. We have more than enough book reviews, but if I have room for them, I'll include them.
Read our guidelines for submittal here. Remember, the better your piece is written, the better attention and credibility it receives--and the less editing I have to do.
Read our guidelines for submittal here. Remember, the better your piece is written, the better attention and credibility it receives--and the less editing I have to do.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Interview with Tisha Morris author of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home
Today we welcome Tisha Morris to our writing blog. She is discussing her book, 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home. Tisha is on a virtual tour from May 11 to June 11. When I first met Tisha, it felt like I already knew her, but as we chatted and listed places we frequent in Nashville, we could identify any place we had both been.
Tisha has already had a profound impact upon my life. Before I even finished reading her book or visited her blog, I embarked upon a cleaning and reorganizing frenzy as you will see in the photo of my freshly painted and reorganized laundry room. I guess I should warn you that her book has this kind of effect so you can prepare to get on your work clothes and bring some new energy into your home or workplace!
YVONNE PERRY: Tell me something about yourself and your writing background.
TISHA MORRIS: When I was in 8th grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I later decided that becoming an attorney would be the best way to give me writing credentials while making a decent living. What I didn’t plan on was not liking the practice of law.
So for the ten years following my first law job, I went on a self-discovery journey—from interior design school to teaching yoga—to figure out what I really wanted to do from my heart instead of my head.
Now those ten years have come full circle resulting in all aspects of myself—the attorney, the interior designer, the energy healer, and the author – coming together as part of my life purpose.
YVONNE: What is the title of your book? Give us the basic story line so we’ll know what it’s about.
TISHA: The title is 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home. It is inspired by a Chinese proverb that says, “If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home.” This proverb speaks to the power of just how interrelated our energy is with the energy of our home.
I selected the 27 things that I have seen make the most impact on either me or my clients, ranging from aspects of decluttering to traditional feng shui techniques.
The 27 things are arranged in a logical order for someone who feels overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to begin with improving their home. That being said, anyone can pick up the book, flip to a page, and jump in.
YVONNE: What inspired you to write this book?
TISHA: For my very first feng shui workshop, I prepared endlessly and provided my particiants with tons of great information and inspiration. At the very end, one woman raised her hand and said, “What should we do first?” I thought that was such a great question and it became the cornerstone of my future workshops and then the inspiration for this book.
There is so much wonderful information out there, especially pertaining to feng shui, but we tend to get overwhelmed with where to start. So I wanted this book to be logically organized and written in a way that makes feng shui accessible and easy for anyone to understand and apply.
YVONNE: Is this the first book you have written?
TISHA: This is my first book to be published, although I have been working on another book for the past few years. It deals with the deeper metaphysical aspects of Feng Shui. I look forward to it being my second published book.
YVONNE: How long did it take to write this book? Do you have any interesting tidbits about your writing method or how the book developed?
TISHA: As I mentioned, I had been working on a different feng shui book for years and then out of nowhere 27 Things manifested. So many times we put a lot of energy into something. It comes back to us, but in a completely different form and even better than we could have imagined.
With 27 Things, it was so effortless that I don’t really even remember writing it. I do remember becoming quite a fixture at my local coffee shop. Then six months later when I picked up the advanced copy to read it, I thought, “Wow, this is really good.”
YVONNE: How did you publish your book? Tell me about your publishing experience and what you learned from it.
TISHA: I pitched a proposal to Turner Publishing to be part of their Good Things to Know series. I formulated a concept for the book by brainstorming in my “Ideas Journal” and within about 30 minutes I had my idea. Compared to writing I had done in the past, it came with little effort and I immediately knew that I was on to something. It just felt “right.” When I mailed my proposal, I experienced a moment of complete non-attachment to the outcome, but only because I knew in my heart that it would be accepted. It has become an excellent example for me of when things are in alignment and when things aren’t.
YVONNE: Where is your book available? Do you have a Web site or blog where we can learn more about you or your book?
TISHA: It is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can go to my Web site for more information and links.
YVONNE: Any other comment you would like to share?
TISHA: The feedback I hear from people after reading 27 Things is that it has inspired them to take action on improving their home which in effect correlates to positive changes in their life. Ultimately, this is my goal for this book and the passion that underlies it.
YVONNE: I have certainly been inspired by reading the advance copy of your book. I've cleaned out, painted, and reorganized my laundry room and totally revamped my office workspace. As a result, I'm finding new energy flowing in and my intentions manifesting quicker. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to get to know you and learn about your book. I wish you well in your journey as an author.
Tisha's virtual tour is also visiting for
Day one of a five-day blast on Successful Woman, A Successful Woman
with an article titled "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow this blogger on Twitter: @monicadear
Tomorrow May 12 has two stops with
• Day two of a five-day blast on A Successful Woman will feature an article titled "The Art of Detaching From Our Stuff."
• Positively Present shows readers "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow Dani on Twitter @positivepresent.
Tisha has already had a profound impact upon my life. Before I even finished reading her book or visited her blog, I embarked upon a cleaning and reorganizing frenzy as you will see in the photo of my freshly painted and reorganized laundry room. I guess I should warn you that her book has this kind of effect so you can prepare to get on your work clothes and bring some new energy into your home or workplace!
YVONNE PERRY: Tell me something about yourself and your writing background.
TISHA MORRIS: When I was in 8th grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I later decided that becoming an attorney would be the best way to give me writing credentials while making a decent living. What I didn’t plan on was not liking the practice of law.
So for the ten years following my first law job, I went on a self-discovery journey—from interior design school to teaching yoga—to figure out what I really wanted to do from my heart instead of my head.
Now those ten years have come full circle resulting in all aspects of myself—the attorney, the interior designer, the energy healer, and the author – coming together as part of my life purpose.
YVONNE: What is the title of your book? Give us the basic story line so we’ll know what it’s about.
TISHA: The title is 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home. It is inspired by a Chinese proverb that says, “If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home.” This proverb speaks to the power of just how interrelated our energy is with the energy of our home.
I selected the 27 things that I have seen make the most impact on either me or my clients, ranging from aspects of decluttering to traditional feng shui techniques.
The 27 things are arranged in a logical order for someone who feels overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to begin with improving their home. That being said, anyone can pick up the book, flip to a page, and jump in.
YVONNE: What inspired you to write this book?
TISHA: For my very first feng shui workshop, I prepared endlessly and provided my particiants with tons of great information and inspiration. At the very end, one woman raised her hand and said, “What should we do first?” I thought that was such a great question and it became the cornerstone of my future workshops and then the inspiration for this book.
There is so much wonderful information out there, especially pertaining to feng shui, but we tend to get overwhelmed with where to start. So I wanted this book to be logically organized and written in a way that makes feng shui accessible and easy for anyone to understand and apply.
YVONNE: Is this the first book you have written?
TISHA: This is my first book to be published, although I have been working on another book for the past few years. It deals with the deeper metaphysical aspects of Feng Shui. I look forward to it being my second published book.
YVONNE: How long did it take to write this book? Do you have any interesting tidbits about your writing method or how the book developed?
TISHA: As I mentioned, I had been working on a different feng shui book for years and then out of nowhere 27 Things manifested. So many times we put a lot of energy into something. It comes back to us, but in a completely different form and even better than we could have imagined.
With 27 Things, it was so effortless that I don’t really even remember writing it. I do remember becoming quite a fixture at my local coffee shop. Then six months later when I picked up the advanced copy to read it, I thought, “Wow, this is really good.”
YVONNE: How did you publish your book? Tell me about your publishing experience and what you learned from it.
TISHA: I pitched a proposal to Turner Publishing to be part of their Good Things to Know series. I formulated a concept for the book by brainstorming in my “Ideas Journal” and within about 30 minutes I had my idea. Compared to writing I had done in the past, it came with little effort and I immediately knew that I was on to something. It just felt “right.” When I mailed my proposal, I experienced a moment of complete non-attachment to the outcome, but only because I knew in my heart that it would be accepted. It has become an excellent example for me of when things are in alignment and when things aren’t.
YVONNE: Where is your book available? Do you have a Web site or blog where we can learn more about you or your book?
TISHA: It is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can go to my Web site for more information and links.
YVONNE: Any other comment you would like to share?
TISHA: The feedback I hear from people after reading 27 Things is that it has inspired them to take action on improving their home which in effect correlates to positive changes in their life. Ultimately, this is my goal for this book and the passion that underlies it.
YVONNE: I have certainly been inspired by reading the advance copy of your book. I've cleaned out, painted, and reorganized my laundry room and totally revamped my office workspace. As a result, I'm finding new energy flowing in and my intentions manifesting quicker. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to get to know you and learn about your book. I wish you well in your journey as an author.
Tisha's virtual tour is also visiting for
Day one of a five-day blast on Successful Woman, A Successful Woman
with an article titled "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow this blogger on Twitter: @monicadear
Tomorrow May 12 has two stops with
• Day two of a five-day blast on A Successful Woman will feature an article titled "The Art of Detaching From Our Stuff."
• Positively Present shows readers "5 Steps to Clearing Clutter." Follow Dani on Twitter @positivepresent.
Monday, May 10, 2010
27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home
Tisha Morris will be joining us on Writers in the Sky Podcast May 14th, 2010 to discuss her book, 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home.

Tisha Morris is a certified life coach, feng shui consultant, energy healer, and author of 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home (Turner Publishing). She practiced law for ten years and holds a Fine Arts degree in Interior Design. Tisha’s transformational journey from attorney to healer has given her invaluable experience in which to help others make desired changes.

Tisha’s passion is healing spaces by blending traditional feng shui techniques and interior design aesthetics with healing energy. In doing so, not only does the space undergo a transformation, but all those who occupy and encounter the space as well.
“If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home.” This ancient Chinese proverb speaks of the powerful connection our homes have with our lives. In 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home, Tisha Morris shows in creative, basic steps how to use the art of feng shui to create an inviting, personal atmosphere in your home that will renovate your life.
Tisha is based in Nashville, TN with most of her services available in-person or distance at .
27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home will be available on

Sunday, May 09, 2010
A Gift for Blog Joggers
Today is blog jog day, an event created by Carol Denbow to unite bloggers and bring more visitors to the participants! In preparation for the hundreds of visitors who will be stopping by to check us out and explore this blog's content, I am offering a gift to those who leave a comment below any post.
The gift is an e-book titled Tips to Make Your Writing Good and Powerful. Improving writing and editing skills should be one of the top priorities for authors and writers.This e-book contains several articles that will help you avoid making common mistakes and teach you how to use MS Word to assist with formatting your writing to give it a polished and professional look.
While you are here, you may want to subscribe to Writers in the Sky's free monthly newsletter. This publication provides a rich resource of articles and information about the craft and business of writing, publishing, and book marketing. Whether you are a published author or a writer-wanna-be, this e-zine is for you. Connecting the writing and publishing communities through networking that benefits both.
In our newsletter, you will find articles, announcements, poetry, book reviews, podcast shows, and other informative material written by the WITS team and our readers.
The next stop on the blog jog is
Follow me on Twitter: @writersinthesky
The gift is an e-book titled Tips to Make Your Writing Good and Powerful. Improving writing and editing skills should be one of the top priorities for authors and writers.This e-book contains several articles that will help you avoid making common mistakes and teach you how to use MS Word to assist with formatting your writing to give it a polished and professional look.
While you are here, you may want to subscribe to Writers in the Sky's free monthly newsletter. This publication provides a rich resource of articles and information about the craft and business of writing, publishing, and book marketing. Whether you are a published author or a writer-wanna-be, this e-zine is for you. Connecting the writing and publishing communities through networking that benefits both.
In our newsletter, you will find articles, announcements, poetry, book reviews, podcast shows, and other informative material written by the WITS team and our readers.
The next stop on the blog jog is
Follow me on Twitter: @writersinthesky
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Take a Blog Jog With Me This Sunday
Blog Jog Day is tomorrow, Sunday (May 9). If you would like to take a jog around to read a few interesting blogs with me, just come back here and click on the link in tomorrow's post to get started. Each blog will have a link to the next blog on the route.
Subscribe to this blog so you don't forget. Thanks!
Subscribe to this blog so you don't forget. Thanks!
Friday, May 07, 2010
How to Dry Out a Book That Has Been Wet
My cousin, James Jackson, has more than twenty years experience as a book restorer. He learned the trade from his father and took over the family bindery business, Restor-A-Book, in the early part of this century when James Jackson Sr. died.
I accidentally left a book outside and of course it rained that night and it got soaked. It wasn’t an expensive book, just one that I love and use a lot. It has great photos of native flowers and was published by the Audubon Society in 1986. I searched online but didn’t find it available in print. Naturally, I turned to my cousin for advice on the best way to dry out the book so the pages wouldn’t stick together or curl up. I wasn’t sure if I should try to iron it dry.
Here is what James advised:
If the pages are enamel paper, they will more than likely stick together regardless of what you do, but to start with, you need to try to get most of the water out of the book. Using a dry towel, pat each page to absorb the excess water. You might even put paper towels between the pages to draw the water out of the paper.
However, remove the paper towels as soon as they absorb water or they may stick and cause a worse mess. When you get as much of the water out as you can, put the book in a frost free freezer and leave it for a month or two. The freezer will continue to draw moisture out of the book.
Even if you iron the pages, the spine will still be wet. It’s best to take the book apart and iron each page, but the iron only needs to be lukewarm. If it sizzles, it is too hot and may burn the paper. When the pages are dry, send it to us and we will put it back together (rebind it) for you.
If you have books, Bibles, church hymnals, genealogy papers, newspapers, tabloids, or courthouse record books that you want to preserve, give James a call at (318) 995-6800. See before and after photos of some miraculous transformations at
I accidentally left a book outside and of course it rained that night and it got soaked. It wasn’t an expensive book, just one that I love and use a lot. It has great photos of native flowers and was published by the Audubon Society in 1986. I searched online but didn’t find it available in print. Naturally, I turned to my cousin for advice on the best way to dry out the book so the pages wouldn’t stick together or curl up. I wasn’t sure if I should try to iron it dry.
Here is what James advised:
If the pages are enamel paper, they will more than likely stick together regardless of what you do, but to start with, you need to try to get most of the water out of the book. Using a dry towel, pat each page to absorb the excess water. You might even put paper towels between the pages to draw the water out of the paper.
However, remove the paper towels as soon as they absorb water or they may stick and cause a worse mess. When you get as much of the water out as you can, put the book in a frost free freezer and leave it for a month or two. The freezer will continue to draw moisture out of the book.
Even if you iron the pages, the spine will still be wet. It’s best to take the book apart and iron each page, but the iron only needs to be lukewarm. If it sizzles, it is too hot and may burn the paper. When the pages are dry, send it to us and we will put it back together (rebind it) for you.
If you have books, Bibles, church hymnals, genealogy papers, newspapers, tabloids, or courthouse record books that you want to preserve, give James a call at (318) 995-6800. See before and after photos of some miraculous transformations at
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Tune into The Nadia Sahari Show to Hear Team Member Sarah Moore Today
Please make plans to tune in to The Nadia Sahari Show today at 11:00 am central time to hear an interview with WITS team member Sarah Moore. Feel free to join the conversation by calling with questions or comments during the interview at (347) 855-8333.
The Nadia Sahari Show offers a forum that is open to anyone who has achieved success against great odds. The show may feature one-on-one interviews or panel discussions. What does it take for you to live your dream? Who are your heroes? What hurdles have you overcome to achieve success? Share your experience with others on THE NADIA SAHARI SHOW.
Sarah will be discussing how her interest in writing developed, how she balances her responsibilities as a single mom and full-time writer, and what she sees unfolding in her career over the next five or ten years.
I hope you will listen to the interview and then let both Nadia Sahari and us know what you think!
The Nadia Sahari Show offers a forum that is open to anyone who has achieved success against great odds. The show may feature one-on-one interviews or panel discussions. What does it take for you to live your dream? Who are your heroes? What hurdles have you overcome to achieve success? Share your experience with others on THE NADIA SAHARI SHOW.
Sarah will be discussing how her interest in writing developed, how she balances her responsibilities as a single mom and full-time writer, and what she sees unfolding in her career over the next five or ten years.
I hope you will listen to the interview and then let both Nadia Sahari and us know what you think!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Tune in to The Garden of the Soul Radio Show to Hear Yvonne's Interview Today!
Author, transformation coach and book promotion coach Lynn Serafinn hosts author of the book More Than Meets the Eye: True Stories About Death, Dying, and Afterlife, Yvonne Perry.
Date/Time: Wednesday 5 May 2010, 6 PM UK; noon CDT; 1 PM EDT; 10 AM PDT
After having two near-death experiences, Yvonne Perry, found that her ability to see, hear, and sense the spirit world became more sensitive. Battling unseen forces and trying to understand why the deceased were coming to her, she took up a personal mission to research and explore this psychic gift that she and her grandmother (who also had a near-death experience) share. In 1999, Yvonne’s life took another dramatic shift and brought the spirit world even closer as she experienced a walk-in or soul exchange in which the soul inhabiting her body left for the afterlife and a new soul took up residence. In her book, she shares openly about this common, but little-understood phenomenon in the book she wrote about death, dying, afterlife, and spirit communication.
In tonight’s show, Lynn and Yvonne will discuss why some people are afraid to talk about death, dying, afterlife, spirit communication, near-death experience, and other end-of-life issues, as well as the common phenomenon of being visited by the spirit of a deceased loved one, and how we are still connected even after we leave the body behind. Yvonne’s book More Than Meets the Eye was written to comfort and bring peace about the mysterious process of transitioning back to God/Source. It is a welcome blend of intrigue, courage, and adventure that will open your mind, calm your spirit, alleviate your fear of death, and lighten your heart.
Tune in tonight to be fascinated, and to find hope and peace of heart.
Your host Lynn Serafinn is in the running for the title of "Next Top Spiritual Author". To view her compelling entry video, and cast your vote of support, go to
Listener questions: call at 646-727-3449 during broadcast (US number). An online chat room is available during the show for people to ask questions/make comments.
Weekly show exploring personal empowerment, life purpose, balance of mind, body and spirit, and how to tap into the inner hero that lies within every human being. Lynn hosts a line up of distinguished guests including authors, coaches, artists, motivational speakers, social reformers, community leaders and others who are actively making a positive and inspirational impact upon the world.
Date/Time: Wednesday 5 May 2010, 6 PM UK; noon CDT; 1 PM EDT; 10 AM PDT
After having two near-death experiences, Yvonne Perry, found that her ability to see, hear, and sense the spirit world became more sensitive. Battling unseen forces and trying to understand why the deceased were coming to her, she took up a personal mission to research and explore this psychic gift that she and her grandmother (who also had a near-death experience) share. In 1999, Yvonne’s life took another dramatic shift and brought the spirit world even closer as she experienced a walk-in or soul exchange in which the soul inhabiting her body left for the afterlife and a new soul took up residence. In her book, she shares openly about this common, but little-understood phenomenon in the book she wrote about death, dying, afterlife, and spirit communication.
In tonight’s show, Lynn and Yvonne will discuss why some people are afraid to talk about death, dying, afterlife, spirit communication, near-death experience, and other end-of-life issues, as well as the common phenomenon of being visited by the spirit of a deceased loved one, and how we are still connected even after we leave the body behind. Yvonne’s book More Than Meets the Eye was written to comfort and bring peace about the mysterious process of transitioning back to God/Source. It is a welcome blend of intrigue, courage, and adventure that will open your mind, calm your spirit, alleviate your fear of death, and lighten your heart.
Tune in tonight to be fascinated, and to find hope and peace of heart.
Your host Lynn Serafinn is in the running for the title of "Next Top Spiritual Author". To view her compelling entry video, and cast your vote of support, go to
Listeners can listen LIVE or "on demand" any time after broadcast at
***NOTE: You can also Tweet or post this show to
Facebook directly from this link***
Listener questions: call at 646-727-3449 during broadcast (US number). An online chat room is available during the show for people to ask questions/make comments.
Weekly show exploring personal empowerment, life purpose, balance of mind, body and spirit, and how to tap into the inner hero that lies within every human being. Lynn hosts a line up of distinguished guests including authors, coaches, artists, motivational speakers, social reformers, community leaders and others who are actively making a positive and inspirational impact upon the world.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Should a Manuscript Be Edited Before Querying a Publisher?
That seems like a stupid question and most readers and authors would say, "Of course the book should be edited before it is published." However, I've had authors become upset when we refused to write a review or query letter for their books.
An author asked me to help him write his query letter in hopes of having a publisher pick up the cost of publishing. He also expected the publisher to pay him an advance. When I looked at the unedited, poorly formatted manuscript that I was supposed to "sell" to the publisher, I recommended the author have the manuscript edited first.
He thought I was trying to get more money from him by suggesting that I first edit his book! Can you believe it? I was trying to keep the author from wasting his money and time writing a query letter for a manuscript that doesn't have a chance in hell of being accepted by a conventional publisher.
While we do offer editing services, it's not just an up-sell attempt when we recommend that an author have a book edited before starting the query letter. How can I in good consciousness brag about an unedited book and write a query to a publisher who is not only supposed to accept the manuscript and pay the author an advance, but also do the marketing? Someone's not doing their research, and it's the naïve, unproven author who thinks he or she will get rich by having a publisher assume these responsibilities.Publishers are businesses and the bottom line is can this product make a profit?
What about publish-on-demand (POD) companies? Don't they publish unedited books? Yes, like their name says, they publish on demand or "as is" and that is exactly the reason why many of these companies have a bad reputation among booksellers and in the literary community. That's also why Writers in the Sky doesn't accept every book submitted to us for review. If we can't write a four-star review for the book, we turn it away rather than present a lie to the readers who have come to trust us for factual information.
Publish-on-demand companies get a percentage of the royalties from the books their clients (authors) sell. What publisher would not prefer to have authors bring them a well-written and edited book to publish? Better books make for better sales. Besides that, both the author’s and the publisher’s reputation is on the line.
For more reading on this topic, see these sites: (this publisher only accepts professionally edited manuscripts)
http://publishingcentral.coml (see #16)
I want to hear from authors, PODs, and conventional publishers. Please leave a comment.
An author asked me to help him write his query letter in hopes of having a publisher pick up the cost of publishing. He also expected the publisher to pay him an advance. When I looked at the unedited, poorly formatted manuscript that I was supposed to "sell" to the publisher, I recommended the author have the manuscript edited first.
He thought I was trying to get more money from him by suggesting that I first edit his book! Can you believe it? I was trying to keep the author from wasting his money and time writing a query letter for a manuscript that doesn't have a chance in hell of being accepted by a conventional publisher.
While we do offer editing services, it's not just an up-sell attempt when we recommend that an author have a book edited before starting the query letter. How can I in good consciousness brag about an unedited book and write a query to a publisher who is not only supposed to accept the manuscript and pay the author an advance, but also do the marketing? Someone's not doing their research, and it's the naïve, unproven author who thinks he or she will get rich by having a publisher assume these responsibilities.Publishers are businesses and the bottom line is can this product make a profit?
What about publish-on-demand (POD) companies? Don't they publish unedited books? Yes, like their name says, they publish on demand or "as is" and that is exactly the reason why many of these companies have a bad reputation among booksellers and in the literary community. That's also why Writers in the Sky doesn't accept every book submitted to us for review. If we can't write a four-star review for the book, we turn it away rather than present a lie to the readers who have come to trust us for factual information.
Publish-on-demand companies get a percentage of the royalties from the books their clients (authors) sell. What publisher would not prefer to have authors bring them a well-written and edited book to publish? Better books make for better sales. Besides that, both the author’s and the publisher’s reputation is on the line.
For more reading on this topic, see these sites: (this publisher only accepts professionally edited manuscripts)
http://publishingcentral.coml (see #16)
I want to hear from authors, PODs, and conventional publishers. Please leave a comment.
Should a manuscript be edited before querying a publisher?

Monday, May 03, 2010
What Does the Afterlife Hold?
Find out on Lynn Serafinn’s Garden of the Soul Radio Show May 5 when author, transformation coach and book promotion coach Lynn Serafinn hosts the author of the book, More Than Meets the Eye: True Stories About Death, Dying, and Afterlife, Yvonne Perry.
After having two near-death experiences, Yvonne Perry, found that her ability to see, hear, and sense the spirit world became more sensitive. Battling unseen forces and trying to understand why the deceased were coming to her, she took up a personal mission to research and explore this psychic gift that she and her grandmother (who also had a near-death experience) share.
In 1999, Yvonne’s life took another dramatic shift and brought the spirit world even closer as she experienced a walk-in or soul exchange in which the soul inhabiting her body left for the afterlife and a new soul took up residence. In her book, she shares openly about this common, but little-understood phenomenon in the book she wrote about death, dying, afterlife, and spirit communication.
On May 5, 2010, Lynn and Yvonne will discuss why some people are reluctant to talk about death, dying, afterlife, spirit communication, near-death experience, and other end-of-life issues, as well as the common phenomenon of being visited by the spirit of a deceased loved one, and how we are still connected even after we leave the body behind.
Yvonne’s book More Than Meets the Eye was written to comfort and bring peace about the mysterious process of transitioning back to God/Source. It is a welcome blend of intrigue, courage, and adventure that will open your mind, calm your spirit, alleviate your fear of death, and lighten your heart.
Tune in May 5 to be fascinated, and to find hope and peace of heart.
Listeners can tune in LIVE or "on demand" any time after broadcast at Listener questions: call 646-727-3449 during broadcast (US number). An online chat room is available during the show for people to ask questions/make comments.
ABOUT the host: Lynn Serafinn, MAED, CPCC, is a transformation coach, and book promotion coach living in Bedford England, dedicated to awakening the authentic voice in all people through her companies Create-a-Life and Spirit Authors. Lynn is also the author of the Amazon Bestseller The Garden of the Soul: Lessons From Four Flowers That Unearth the Self, that has been hailed by readers to be "as spiritual as Deepak Chopra and as magical as Paulo Coelho."
LYNN’S WEB PORTAL Sign up for Lynn's blog and receive weekly inspirational articles, coaching tips and information, calendar of Garden of the Soul Radio Show and other events, special offers, and news.
SPIRIT AUTHORS A virtual coaching and learning experience offering training, business building and support for mind-body-spirit authors, both established and aspiring.
THE GARDEN OF THE SOUL BOOK BLOG For info, articles, events and media kit on Lynn’s book The Garden of the Soul: lessons from four flowers that unearth the Self.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on
After having two near-death experiences, Yvonne Perry, found that her ability to see, hear, and sense the spirit world became more sensitive. Battling unseen forces and trying to understand why the deceased were coming to her, she took up a personal mission to research and explore this psychic gift that she and her grandmother (who also had a near-death experience) share.
In 1999, Yvonne’s life took another dramatic shift and brought the spirit world even closer as she experienced a walk-in or soul exchange in which the soul inhabiting her body left for the afterlife and a new soul took up residence. In her book, she shares openly about this common, but little-understood phenomenon in the book she wrote about death, dying, afterlife, and spirit communication.
On May 5, 2010, Lynn and Yvonne will discuss why some people are reluctant to talk about death, dying, afterlife, spirit communication, near-death experience, and other end-of-life issues, as well as the common phenomenon of being visited by the spirit of a deceased loved one, and how we are still connected even after we leave the body behind.
Yvonne’s book More Than Meets the Eye was written to comfort and bring peace about the mysterious process of transitioning back to God/Source. It is a welcome blend of intrigue, courage, and adventure that will open your mind, calm your spirit, alleviate your fear of death, and lighten your heart.
Tune in May 5 to be fascinated, and to find hope and peace of heart.
Listeners can tune in LIVE or "on demand" any time after broadcast at Listener questions: call 646-727-3449 during broadcast (US number). An online chat room is available during the show for people to ask questions/make comments.
ABOUT the host: Lynn Serafinn, MAED, CPCC, is a transformation coach, and book promotion coach living in Bedford England, dedicated to awakening the authentic voice in all people through her companies Create-a-Life and Spirit Authors. Lynn is also the author of the Amazon Bestseller The Garden of the Soul: Lessons From Four Flowers That Unearth the Self, that has been hailed by readers to be "as spiritual as Deepak Chopra and as magical as Paulo Coelho."
LYNN’S WEB PORTAL Sign up for Lynn's blog and receive weekly inspirational articles, coaching tips and information, calendar of Garden of the Soul Radio Show and other events, special offers, and news.
SPIRIT AUTHORS A virtual coaching and learning experience offering training, business building and support for mind-body-spirit authors, both established and aspiring.
THE GARDEN OF THE SOUL BOOK BLOG For info, articles, events and media kit on Lynn’s book The Garden of the Soul: lessons from four flowers that unearth the Self.
For more information, you might enjoy reading More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife.
Purchase on

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