An Interview with Author Ann Karen Dowd

Our guest today is a former professor, world traveled scholar and lecturer, a National Poetry Award winner, and author whose recently published work How Did She Get There? is a provocative novel about a poet whose obsession with a thirteen-year old prodigy drives her to the edge of reason.
A Virgo, born on September 13, Ann Karen Dowd grew up in New Jersey, but has travelled extensively and lived internationally over the years. Currently, Dowd makes New York state the base of operations for her writing and speaking career. A National Poetry Award winner for New Millennium Writing in 2004, Dowd has written two books: Echoes of the Heart (New York: Leisure Books, 1988) and How Did She Get There? (White Ink Press 2010, ISBN: 978-0615335308,) which became available for purchase in June 2010. Ann holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. She spent two years in Saudi Arabia, and upon her return held teaching positions in Virginia, Massachusetts, and Arizona.

Learn more about the author and her up-coming book tour from her website at or by following her on, and at

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