Merry Christmas to all of our podcast listeners! Today, new author Mike Thompson joins us for a special holiday edition of the WITS podcast to discuss his new book Blood Betrayal.
This thrilling work of fiction details the story of two brothers, Dimitri and Wolf Magnussen, and begins with the murder of Dimitri's son during a hunting trip. What unfolds as the book develops is a murder spree that will prove to be much more complicated in its intentions than first suspected. There are twists to the plot that will keep the reader in suspense until the very last page.
During the interview, Mike Thompson will discuss how his own experiences in the military influenced the development of his characters and the inclusion of PTSD into the plot of Blood Betrayal, why he decided to write this book, and is in store next for what is to be a series of Wolf Magnussen books.
Click here to listen... to the entire interview.
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chase Blood Betrayal by visiting the Amazon website.
Title of Document: Book Review
Book Title: Blood Betrayal
Author: Mike Thompson
ISBN: 978-1-4327-4802-9
Genre and Target Market: suspense; fiction
Publication Date: 2009
Book Length in Pages: 277
Reviewed by: Sarah Moore
There are certain elements that, for me, create an especially compelling piece of dramatic fiction. If the book features episodes of violence or fear that are just as powerful for their psychological effect as they are for the acts themselves, I’m going to be drawn to the story. I have a great appreciation for writing that really explores what is occurring in a person’s mind, no matter how twisted. When this complicated sense of terror is found within the context of family relationships, the plot becomes even more captivating. First-time author Mike Thompson captures both of these features with his gripping new release Blood Betrayal.
Blood Betrayal details the story of Dimitri Magnussen, a veteran who is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder following seven years in the Special Forces, and the murder spree that he embarks upon while on a family hunting trip with his brother and son. As the story unfolds through the eyes of his brother Wolf, the progression of Dimitri’s violent rage and his terrifying crimes makes him into a character with seemingly no conscience or hesitation to spill blood. However, revelations that are left unknown to the reader until the closing chapters of the book will complicate the situation and, at least for this reader, create an uncomfortable sense of ambiguity.
Mike Thompson does a wonderful job of using language to create a dark and suspenseful environment. As I turned each page of Blood Betrayal, I began to sense each dark corner and mysterious noise that existed in the comfort of my home. Even when the mood is a frightening one, I love getting lost in a book that transplants me into every emotion and experience in the story. From the terror that Wolf feels when he does not know who or what is stalking him in the mountains to the climatic moments during which Dimitri becomes the hunted and shocking family secrets are revealed, Thompson makes sure that every word contributes to the growing suspense.
I believe the impact of Blood Betrayal was multiplied for me by the current events that we see on the news every evening. The record number of PTSD cases stemming from the military conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq has made many Americans more aware of this frightening reality. It is apparent that Thompson uses his own experience as a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and as a Close Quarters Combat instructor to develop the characters in this book and that makes their personalities even more riveting. While the character of Dimitri Magnussen is certainly an extreme case, I know that shedding light on this emotional topic will continue to be important for years to come.
With Blood Betrayal, Mike Thompson has crafted a novel that will attract fans of suspense and those who appreciate the successful efforts of the author to bring his own expertise into a fictional format. The plot is unique and undoubtedly will have the readers guessing until the very last page, with a conclusion that warranted an audible gasp from me as I sat alone in my living room. On the back cover of his book, Thompson shares that Blood Betrayal is just the first release in the Wolf Magnussen series and I look forward to discovering what Thompson has in store for us next.

During the interview, Mike Thompson will discuss how his own experiences in the military influenced the development of his characters and the inclusion of PTSD into the plot of Blood Betrayal, why he decided to write this book, and is in store next for what is to be a series of Wolf Magnussen books.
Click here to listen... to the entire interview.
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Title of Document: Book Review
Book Title: Blood Betrayal
Author: Mike Thompson
ISBN: 978-1-4327-4802-9
Genre and Target Market: suspense; fiction
Publication Date: 2009
Book Length in Pages: 277
Reviewed by: Sarah Moore
There are certain elements that, for me, create an especially compelling piece of dramatic fiction. If the book features episodes of violence or fear that are just as powerful for their psychological effect as they are for the acts themselves, I’m going to be drawn to the story. I have a great appreciation for writing that really explores what is occurring in a person’s mind, no matter how twisted. When this complicated sense of terror is found within the context of family relationships, the plot becomes even more captivating. First-time author Mike Thompson captures both of these features with his gripping new release Blood Betrayal.
Blood Betrayal details the story of Dimitri Magnussen, a veteran who is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder following seven years in the Special Forces, and the murder spree that he embarks upon while on a family hunting trip with his brother and son. As the story unfolds through the eyes of his brother Wolf, the progression of Dimitri’s violent rage and his terrifying crimes makes him into a character with seemingly no conscience or hesitation to spill blood. However, revelations that are left unknown to the reader until the closing chapters of the book will complicate the situation and, at least for this reader, create an uncomfortable sense of ambiguity.
Mike Thompson does a wonderful job of using language to create a dark and suspenseful environment. As I turned each page of Blood Betrayal, I began to sense each dark corner and mysterious noise that existed in the comfort of my home. Even when the mood is a frightening one, I love getting lost in a book that transplants me into every emotion and experience in the story. From the terror that Wolf feels when he does not know who or what is stalking him in the mountains to the climatic moments during which Dimitri becomes the hunted and shocking family secrets are revealed, Thompson makes sure that every word contributes to the growing suspense.
I believe the impact of Blood Betrayal was multiplied for me by the current events that we see on the news every evening. The record number of PTSD cases stemming from the military conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq has made many Americans more aware of this frightening reality. It is apparent that Thompson uses his own experience as a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and as a Close Quarters Combat instructor to develop the characters in this book and that makes their personalities even more riveting. While the character of Dimitri Magnussen is certainly an extreme case, I know that shedding light on this emotional topic will continue to be important for years to come.
With Blood Betrayal, Mike Thompson has crafted a novel that will attract fans of suspense and those who appreciate the successful efforts of the author to bring his own expertise into a fictional format. The plot is unique and undoubtedly will have the readers guessing until the very last page, with a conclusion that warranted an audible gasp from me as I sat alone in my living room. On the back cover of his book, Thompson shares that Blood Betrayal is just the first release in the Wolf Magnussen series and I look forward to discovering what Thompson has in store for us next.

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