Friday, May 22, 2009

Dennis S Martin on WITS to Talk Poetry

My podcast guest today is my cousin, Dennis S. Martin.

Dennis has been writing poetry for almost half a century. In his 15 collections, which include more than 1,100 poems, he has broached nearly every subject imaginable. From the drowning angst of youth to the quiet reflection of aging, to the thoughtful projection of afterlife, no aspect of the human experience is left untouched.

In “Rhythmic Notions”, his latest collection, he has attempted a new approach. Every poem in the collection is actually a song lyric awaiting musical interpretation. He is looking for a musician to collaborate with so if you are interested in learning more about Dennis' song poems, please contact him!

In our interview, Dennis shares his publishing experience with The basic package is free! Better hear what he has to say!

Dennis shares his typical approach to writing a collection of poems:

Before I begin a collection of poems I try to come up with a basic theme. For example, my collection “Love Endures” is a collection of love poems. “Passions” was a collection of things about which I have a passionate feeling. These two collections were published by as a single book titled Love and Passions, available through all online bookstores. In Wordprattle I came up with a list 100 everyday words that I thought were interesting and wrote a poem using each word as a title.

I always write all of the titles in the collection first, creating a table of contents, and then go about writing the poems in the order I created the titles. Since I hold a full-time weekday job, I am a weekend writer. An early riser, I find I do my best work first thing in the morning. It usually takes me the better part of a year to complete a collection this way.

With the exception of Love Endures all of my work is self-published through This also includes my three novels. Readers can preview my work at It can also be ordered through or from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Click here to listen to the interview...

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