Friday, February 20, 2009

Copywriting Keys to Conquer the Social Media Kingdom

I just got word about a free (as in NO CHARGE!) webinar. Here are the details from Allison Nazarian.

As you know, I think copywriting is pretty important when it comes to selling. And I, like most of you, know that Social Media is the way of the future (and of the now for that matter) when it comes to marketing anything - yourself, your brand or your business.

So I am teaming up with Craig Cannings, a well-known very successful leader of social media, a trainer and e-learning expert (and many of you will also know him as Founder of to present a free (as in NO CHARGE!) webinar event entitled:

"Discover the Copywriting Keys to Conquering the Social Media Kingdom."

There is tons (and tons and tons) of content that needs to be produced (by you or someone working on your behalf) regularly...articles, blog posts, press releases, twitter bios and tweets, other social media profiles, PDF e-books, Hubpages and Squidoo Lenses - and the list goes on.

Many businesses are seeing the great value in creating and mass distributing relevant web content to their target market(s) BUT they are lacking either copywriting skills or the social marketing savvy they must have to effectively bolster their business efforts.

In this webinar, we will discuss how you can use copywriting to leverage the power of social media and move your business exactly where you want it to be - in 2009 and beyond.

So, check out this five-minute video and sign up for the NO-CHARGE (as in free) webinar event:

Be sure to add your name and e-mail address to receive some great bonus content (you will also receive a Special Report entitled Five Copywriting Strategies Guaranteed To Successfully Bring You, Your Brand & Your Business Into The New Kingdom)

So take five minutes to visit and check out the video - and most importantly, to claim your spot for this webinar:

(For quick reference, the free webinar "Discover the Copywriting Keys to Conquering the Social Media Kingdom" will take place on March 5, at 5 p.m. Eastern (2 p.m. PST)I look forward to connecting with you at the webinar in a couple weeks.

To Your Success,
Allison Nazarian

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