Friday, November 14, 2008

Twin-engine Airplanes, an Art Dealer and a Few Ghosts

My guest on Writers in the Sky Podcast has become a dear friend of mine through the editing of his book Bader Field. I truly enjoyed working with Carl David on his story about his father who was a twin-engine airplane pilot and an art dealer in the 1970s.

Click here to listen to part 1...

When I first started the developmental and copy edit for this book, I knew I held a jewel in my hands. I had come upon a skilled writer with a superb story of movie-like quality. It has the drama of human emotion stirred by true events that bring lovable characters to life. Plus, there are interesting historical facts intertwined throughout the telling. Add some mysterious and ghostly happenings to those components and you have a great book—Bader Field.

I was not familiar with the art world that is common and everyday life for the David family, but I learned things in this book that caused me to better appreciate all art forms around me—even the art of life itself. I also learned quite a bit about flying twin-engine airplanes, which is a huge love the author shared with his dad. The book is named after the airfield that launched Carl and his dad to the skies where they enjoyed hundreds of flight hours reveling in their distinctive father-son bond.

To learn more about the family art business, see and To join a community to discuss art, go to

Even though the book follows a chronological time line, each chapter has an embedded memory or flashback that lands us in the middle of an exciting, tragic, or educational event. Whether a childhood winter moment as the David boys take their dad for the sled ride of his life; or the account of how a famous piece of art was acquired; or the bygone days of the Depression Era when Sam and Flora first met—this book details a heartfelt journey that demonstrates the healing that comes from letting go of the past and living only for what is before us in this moment.

Click here to listen to part 2...

Carl has a great knack for storytelling and a gift for showing us what is in his heart. Bader Field allows a reader to see the inside impact that the self-inflicted death of a loved one has on an entire family and how much spiritual strength it takes to move past such devastation.

We may never meet the David family in person, but after reading Bader Field, I promise you will feel as if you have known them all your life. You may even feel like part of the family and be tempted to refer to Sam David as “Pop.” He or Bruce might even visit you in spirit!

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Read Carl's articles about art and airplanes on Author's Den

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