Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Survey on Podcast, Your Opinion Needed

I'm taking a survey of those who enjoy listening to the Writers in the Sky podcasts we offer. In addition to the audio interview option, would you benefit from having these shows transcribed into written text and posted on the blog?

How would/would not this help you?

Any advice on the best way to accomplish the transcribing?

Any volunteers to do the transcribing? I had to ask :)

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Yvonne Perry
writersinthesky at comcast dot net

1 comment:

Janet Grace Riehl said...

Sure! I'd love to see transcriptions of the podcasts. In my world this helps them sit still and become material for reflection and study.

My father was interviewed by the newspaper on his war heroism. They did a print article and an on-line video. I transcribed the video (painstaking work, I know) and I'm glad I did. His printed words taken from the spoken resonate in a different way than his own written words do on this subject. We do, thankfully, speak differently than we write.

I think you could cut the arduousness of the task by only transcribing the pith of the podcast.

Janet Riehl