Sunday, November 11, 2007

No-cost Book Promo for Authors

Here’s a great opportunity for authors to promote their book online. Answer the following questions by typing your answer below each question. Then, email your completed doc to writersinthesky @ Comcast dot net (remove the spaces and replace the word "dot" with a period)

We will post the interview on where it may be seen by thousands of people.

1. Begin by telling us the author/pen name used for this book.

2. What is the title of your book? Give us the basic story line so we’ll know what it’s about.

3. Is this the first book you have written?

4. How long did it take to write this book?

5. How did you publish your book?

6. Did you work with an agent? If so, how did you find the agent?

7. Where is your book(s) available? Do you have a Web site or blog where we can learn more about you or your book?

8. As far as marketing, do you do more online publicity or print/radio/TV promotion?

9. Have you hired a publicist to help promote this book? Have you worked with a publicist on any of your books?

10. Any other comments or things you would like for us to know?

Yvonne Perry,
Freelance Writer, Author, Public Speaker

1 comment:

Maureen Fisher said...

Hi Yvonne,

This is an incredibly generous offer, and I would love to take advantage of it. I have already sent off my email to you.

Thank you,
