Saturday, June 16, 2007

Reader Views has added another service for authors!

Read this post from Irene Watson, Managing Editor:

This added service is for those that have a killer idea for a book, have started writing a book, or have a manuscript ready to be published! And....don't have a publisher.

With our "new" service we will guide you to create a proposal that will at least get the agent or publisher to read the content - and that's the foot in that you want. We want to help you get the best agent or traditional publisher possible. addition to helping you create the proposal, we will even send it out to publishers and agents - we have specific contacts that are willing to look at the proposals that we send in.

However, the "book" has to be more than good - it has to be great in order to compete with the hundreds of thousands manuscripts floating around. And, the proposal needs to be well crafted, your platform and marketing plan in place, and appeal to the target.

Interested? Send me a query email (not questions about the service) - tell me what you have in mind, what your book is about, and what your platform/marketing plan is. Sell me on what you have and I would be happy to consider helping you get an agent or publisher.

1 comment:

Suzanne Lieurance said...

Hey, Yvonne,

You've been tagged!
