Poets are welcome to submit poems and a bio for each monthly issue of the eZine.
Here are the poems from March 2007 WITS Newsletter.
In the dark of the night
sleep is gone.
Awake and alone my fingers
feel my rosary beads.
What must the Blessed Virgin have
thought when asked to bear the son
of God?
Was she honored
or afraid?
What about Jesus when asked to
come here as a baby, grow up and
die for you and I?
I thank them for their pain for
you and me, praise them in
honor and glory.
I move my beads through my
fingers, one by one, praying
for you and I.
Dawn lights the sky.
Gail Livesay is fifty-six years old and lives in
Architect of literary concept and word; purveyor of adventure.
Utilizing characters, dialogue and circumstance to sustain a
Theme and construct a plot intended to reward readers while
Honoring the commercial expectations of the publisher and
Orchestrating, whenever possible, successive compositions that captivate
Readers and inspire followers.
Facing at times a dry spell and at others a torrent, we
Relish the opportunity to proudly market our skills and
Exercise our talents,
Exchanging our abilities for a fee.
Loving our chosen vocation
And the freedom afforded by it,
Novice and expert alike, we seek to refine our
Craft through determined efforts employed in the pursuit of
Nightfall appears, it is a night much like any other night.
Once again I find myself alone, one-on-one with this latest release.
Voracious is my appetite for the next installment; my curiosity soon will be quenched.
Early, quickly the plot evolves. I am drawn in. The captivating and
Lavish settings, the intriguing characters and their risk filled exploits… wait.
I’m no stranger to this place. This is familiar. I’ve been here before.
Somehow again, I’ve been transported to that place
That captivating place where I am the witness.
Even commitment are all insufficient to allow us to easily
Navigate the early minefields of this arduous profession.
Therefore, someone with expertise and a willingness to guide
Others on their individual journeys can bring high value.
Recognition and gratitude go out to Yvonne Perry and “Writers in the Sky”.
Ken is a native Middle Tennessean, growing up in
Yes I Knew
Honeysuckle Spring
That Bah Bing Sweet Smelling
Good Time Thing
Color Coded Bugs Flapping Let’s Party Wings
Touristy Lovers Those Flocking Birds
Set Their Nests
For New Born Guests
Abundance Roars
When It Rains It Pours
Dogwoods Light The Floors
In Godly Moors
Peachy Kind What A Find
Apple’s Got Green In Mind
Branches Dancing Buds Are Blind
Wind Is Whispering Now Your Mine
Red Bud Kisses Magic Vines
Azalea Blooms With Red And White
Cardinal Chirps Love’s My Flight
Ajuga Blue Springtime Flu
Yes I Knew
What I See Is Me
Finally Seeing You
Hal Manogue is the author of The 2007 Collection of Short Sleeves A Book For Friends
ISBN# 09778130-1-0 available in bookstores and on his website: http://www.shortsleeves.net/. Hal invites you to blog with him at http://halmanogue.blogspot.com/ To read articles Hal has written see http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Hal_Manogue.
The Old Way Down
He went the old way down,
Tired and indifferent to the world around him,
Which in its ferocity, clawed desperately for change -
Regardless of its value, or its reason –
Only for the movement of it all.
Yet he clung rightfully to what was his,
In all its plain simplicity.
Knowing that his years
Estranged him from those of younger age –
Who in their confidence and rage,
Tore the known world from him -
And smothered him with deceit.
They knew not the value of honesty, and integrity,
And those little things which make a small life great.
He had prepared himself for these times
By the hardening of his heart,
And the strengthening of his will.
He looked at life through worldly eyes –
Some say jaded. . .but he was not as sophisticated as that.
He found himself, on those sunny days,
When the shadows play just right
Upon the grass and leaves and water and barns –
To thinking back upon his youth,
With all the carefree joy that it imposed,
On what was left of vivid memory:
The ambiance of sight and sound and smell and weather...
These things that left him with the knowledge
That he had lived when times were good -
And these thoughts had spun a gentle web of warmth
Around his heart -
Making it easy to let go.
Bewick Cory, born in the Netherlands and raised in Maine, currently lives in Cedar Hill, TN . He has played drums for touring bands and was Associate Editor of What's New Magazine, a music publication out of
The Extra Weight of Walking
The extra weight of walking,
Makes it hard to coincide -
With the sky above; the mud below,
And the swiftness of the tide.
The extra weight of walking,
Makes me want to stop and rest.
The burdens of so many years,
Sits like an anvil upon my chest.
The extra weight of walking,
Turns a smile into a frown.
Muscle vs. gravity -
As it works to pull me down.
Each day as I grow older,
Slowly losing to the fight,
My back is bent by nature’s law -
Until the day I see the light.
And to the young, who seem invincible -
Who hold their heads so high...
The extra weight of walking,
Will get them by and by.
The night winds rain down beating my senses dry.
I’m lost and alone in a barren oblivion;
Wandering blindly, seeking a common ground.
Peace knows no sanctity here.
My essence blatantly beaten against the tides,
This is my life.
February 3, 2007
Danielle Sharp is a twenty-four year old aspiring author. She has been writing poems since the early 1990’s—many of them based on her true encounters. Danielle lives in
Sleep lies in some galaxy
For people with clear conscience
For people who don’t have to think
For people with no problems.
Sleep lingers out in space
Waiting for one moment
Waiting for a peaceful face
Waiting to be stolen.
Sleep loves to taunt and tease
Like a drug it holds the power
Like death over a zombie
Persisting through each hour.
Sleep likes to rest upon my eyes
Out of nowhere it comes creeping
Peace seeps in and I drift out
And suddenly I’m…
Suzanne Karr moved to Nashville five years ago to pursue her music dream. She has written her own songs & is currently finishing an album. You can listen to a few of her tunes at www.myspace.com/suzannekarr. She is also a Realtor with Crye-Leike.
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