This year flew by and I have no idea where the time has gone! It seems like I just got used to typing 2006 and now it’s time to discipline my fingers to find the 7 on my keypad.
Already 2007 is off to a great start with Writers on Call—a weekly subscription-based teleclass hosted by yours truly and full-time freelance writer Suzanne Lieurance. We’ll be teaching step-by-step how to set up and manage a freelance writing business and how to write a book. Also, Peter Bowerman and I will kick off Writers in the Sky Podcast with a fantastic show January 5th about his latest book The Well-Fed Self-Publisher: How to Turn One Book into a Full-Time Living.
Listen to Peter’s introduction here
As I look back over 2006, I am grateful for my success as a freelance writer. My team and I enjoyed a year of productive activity and I’d like to share a few highlights with you here:
Even with the tragic death of a beloved brother-in-law this past year, we have much to be grateful for as a family. My daughter announced her engagement last summer and plans to be married June 16, 2006. My son and his wife are expecting a baby. My grandson, Sidney, who will be six in February, looks forward to the arrival of his baby brother or sister. I also wait with excitement!
Write On! Creative Writing Services had a great year as a team. We now have seven full-time writers and four part-time writers, plus we have Jessica Dockter on board as our graphic designer allowing us to expand our services to cover the branding aspect and design needs of our clients. I’d like to brag on each of them.
Kate Garvey created the first booklet of her “People with Pets” series and was featured as a guest columnist in the Wisconsin State Journal. She created two web sites for her business, started a blog, wrote several articles on biotechnology, history, and created websites for small businesses, as well as developing web content for small businesses. Currently, she is putting in long hours as a technical writer for one of the largest farm cooperatives in the United States. Kate works with the document repository, writes company newsletters, creates quick reference guides documenting business procedures, and creates charts of work flow process. On a personal note she successfully moved from Nashville, Tennessee and settled into a new location in Madison, W. She also renovated two homes and continues to sell her real estate book on the Internet. It's been a great year.
Rosi Stewart co-authored a grant for a children’s charity group that provides medical care for uninsured and underinsured children infant to 18 years). The clinic will receive $125,000 over the next two years. She also received word that a second grant she had written has been funded by another major foundation.
Gordon Randall completed three romance articles, and edited and provided proofreading for several books.
Taryn Simpson completed a screenplay, three press releases, 25 articles, five academic papers, three bios, two brochures, three taglines, and wrote content for four blogs in addition to completing two books with four more in progress.
Barbara Sharp completed three books – a biography/memoir (one is being published by Nightengale Press), one speech, two resumes, two brochures, four romance articles, two medical articles and a confidential business review.David Teems wins the Write On! Prize for accomplishing the most difficult writing task last year. He completed Bob Martin's book, BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE: Corruption and Redemption in Chattanooga, Tennesse from the 1940s through the 1980s. Here is a photo of Bob Martin's materials before David converted them into a book that was accepted by a publisher. Thought you’d get a laugh (or a good cry).
David also completed his own novel LIKE THE WHOLE WORLD WAS SUMMER (not yet in publication).
As we network together for continued success in 2007, may we all help one another realize our potential and be a blessing to everyone we meet either online or in person.
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