Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The podcast survey

Do you prefer podcast shows that have multiple parts of 15-20 minutes each or one 30-40 ninute show? Please let me know which you enjoy most and would utilize best. Feel free to comment here, email your suggestion to writer @ yvonneperry dot net, or call our comment line at (214) 615-6505 ext 7282 to record your message.

Your input is appreciated.

1 comment:

The Lieurance Group said...

Hey, Yvonne,

I finally got on your blog with Safari! I don't know why my computer locks up here with Firefox.

Anyway, the podcasts are great! I like the shorter ones because I can listen whenever I get just a few minutes during the day. It's harder to find a whole hour to listen.


Suzanne Lieurance
The Working Writer's Coach