Thursday, February 05, 2015

Spiritual Poetry by Yvonne Perry

Today, I'd like to begin sharing some of the poetry I have written as part of my spiritual journey. This one is called "Expansion."


Infinite being of love and light
Expand your essence
Your truth and grandeur
Past the limits of time and space
Past the commandments
carved on tablets of stone
You make your own rules now
Infinite being of love and light
Expand your essence to the size of this room
Expand your grace to the size of this city
Expand your I AM Presence
to the far reaches of the multi-verse

Beloved infinite being,
Expand your essence
Trace your desires back to yourself
where you are already loved

You are already God

(C) 2013 Yvonne Perry

Yvonne Perry is the author of these books:

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