Saturday, September 27, 2014

Letting Go of the Warring Mindset

If you missed the call yesterday (September 25, 2014) with me and Vic Singer, you can hear the replay at .

We talked about letting go of the warring mindset that keeps us trapped in a cycle of fear and retaliation. We learned why it is important to live in sync with the Earth as we experience spiritual awakening and ascension into our highest potential. Vic shared some great stories about how to communicate with nature spirits and animals. We also discussed some dreams/nightmares one listener has been having and learned how to work with the dream and its characters to find resolution and take back control of sleep hours. Several listeners gave input and asked questions that were also valuable. Be sure to subscribe to We Are One in Spirit Newsletter to get a notice when we have group coaching calls.

My co-host on this call is Vic Singer, a life transformer, visionary, love activist, and medicine woman who has worked with healing arts since age 19 when she began her studies that include western medicine, indigenous realities, and Eastern practices. As the high priestess of Global Magic Temple, Vic travels wherever the ancient ancestors lead her to facilitate group healing circles and share healing with individual client.


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 15-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.
Yvonne is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 15-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.
Yvonne Perry is the author of these books:

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