Monday, July 26, 2010

A Blueprint For Financial Success: A Review by Vonnie Faroqui

Please join us when author's assistant Vonnie Faroqui interviews Manuel Showalter on Writers In The Sky Podcast, Friday, July 30, 2010, about his recently published work A Blueprint for Financial Success.

And now, Vonnie's review . . .

The Southpaw of Financial Success Books

Book Title: A Blueprint for Financial Success
Author: Manuel Showalter
ISBN: 978-1-4327-5503-4
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Link to purchase:Amazon
Reviewer Byline: Vonnie Faroqui for WITS

A Blueprint for Financial Success is not the typical financial success guide book. It is in fact more of a conversation about finances and life. Author Manuel Showalter shares his life and financial experiences along with the knowledge he has acquired along the way quite neatly in this easy-to-read, conversational book. The tone is rather like that of a mentor, the wise uncle, or a beloved coach. Showalter speaks frankly about money matters and fiscal responsibility and recovery to those who have not had the benefit of silver spoons from birth, financial grooming, or parents with portfolios.

Blueprint is straight hitting, weighing in with ten chapters, 63 pages; an easy read for one sitting. Showalter writes about how work ethic, education, addictions, finding jobs, savings, giving, credit, buying a car, home ownership, and thinking outside the box affect one’s financial health. He shares and draws from personal experience; offering the knowledge he has gained in the ring and up against the ropes of life. Showalter is not promoting himself as a Wall Street financial wizard, to teach you stocks and bonds or e-trading; but then not all of us need or are ready for that level of financial guidance. What the author has to say in his book you aren’t going to hear from Mr. Wall Street. “Coach” Showalter is going to spell things out for you in simple, understandable layman’s terms; information and tested advice about the statute of limitations on debt collection and how to work within the system rather than going down for the count because of what you don’t know.

A Blueprint for Financial Success is written for those lacking the benefit of the everyday kind of financial guidance most helpful to the working class. Young America will especially benefit from the practical information and tips in this slim volume. As the subtitle says, “Learn how to play the game.” Blueprint is the “Rocky” of financial success books. I give it two thumbs up.

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