Monday, March 09, 2009

I’m Thankful for Divine Intervention!

Our podcast guest this week is Patricia Milner, the author of Divine Intervention. Patricia is an international psychic medium, Reiki master, spiritual teacher and trainer who has been psychic since birth. For the last ten years, she has worked full time in the counseling, training and healing fields. Before that, she worked as a human resource director and then managed her own human resources business for over ten years.

In her current work, she uses crystals, crystal energy, color, sound and sound vibration to help people heal. Her spiritual retreats guide people through life’s changes and challenges by helping them with their spiritual growth and development. She also uses her music and singing voice to create her own meditation music.

Patricia has written articles for national magazines and a column about spiritual well-being for a local newspaper in England. She has also appeared on numerous radio and television programs discussing her healing work.

Divine Intervention
Patricia Milner
Nightengale Press (2008)
U.S. $15.95
ISBN 1933449705
Reviewed by Yvonne Perry for WITS

I’m Thankful for Divine Intervention!

How would you like to be able to see, hear, and feel the spirit world and have no one believe you when you tell them? What if your own mother rejects you when, as a child, you mention your invisible playmates? Your friends make fun of you behind your back You might think you are a misfit. Such was the case with Patricia Milner whose psychic gifts began to manifest at a very young age.

Feeling like an outsider who didn’t belong with her family or schoolmates, Patricia sought refuge in the fields, gardens, and woods where she would be greeted by angels, guardians, animal spirits, and other light beings who encouraged and directed her through difficult times. Unable to turn off the divine voices that seemed to be everywhere, she finally became rebellious—especially toward those who picked on her for being different.

She faced many physical and emotional tragedies. If not for her daughter, born when she was only eighteen years old, life might have been too much to bear. It was this precious soul that kept Patricia moving to the next level of her spiritual development. Protecting little Angela led Patricia to escape her abusive marriage. One would think that all this trouble would have made Patricia crazy or bitter. She’s neither. Instead, she now uses her experience and her spiritual gifts to help others who are going through similar hardships.

All in all, I found the book a very interesting read. While my spiritual gifts are not nearly as developed as Patricia’s, I can relate to her experience and have no problem believing that what she experienced was real. We all have spirit guides that provide divine intervention. Some people just seem to acknowledge it more than others.

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