Sunday, July 27, 2008

How to Escape an Abusive Relationship

I never cease to be amazed at how Dottie Randazzo can pack such a powerful punch in so few words. All of her books are short and to the point, and only have a few sentences in large print on each page, but she gets her message across in a way that impacts the reader to take action. How to Escape an Abusive Relationship spoke to me so profoundly that I felt goose bumps all over while reading it.

Dottie's plan of escape is to have a plan. I know it sounds simple, and it is simple for someone who is not in an abusive situation, but her plan is doable for anyone who is in an abusive relationship. It may not be easy, but having a plan moves the victim one step at a time toward freedom without upsetting the abuser and making the situation worse.

Dottie has been there and knows what it is like to have to sneak around to get a moment alone in order to make her next move toward getting out. She has captured the mind of the victim without ever seeing herself as a victim. In fact, she sees herself (and so do I) as a smart, funny, and successful woman who somehow got herself into a very undesirable and unhealthy relationship. I admire her for being brave enough to refuse staying a victim and taking undeserved punishment. And, I admire her for writing this book to help others.

I was never in as bad a relationship as the one Dottie tells about in her story, but I can relate because I wanted to leave my first marriage for many years before I actually did. Even then, I didn't have a plan for success afterward; therefore, I found myself without a place to live and with no access to the abundance of money and possessions I had previously shared with my spouse. Why didn't it occur to me to have an exit strategy?

Dottie tells exactly how she escaped the mental and emotional abuse of her ex-husband. This empowering information will help you formulate your own plan to get out alive and with a means of providing for yourself after your prison bars open.

Don't stay any longer than you have to; get started on your road to freedom now! Anyone who is in an abusive situation should GET THIS BOOK!

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