Saturday, May 03, 2008

Conscious Discussions Monthly Announcement

Gardening, making a tragedy into a blessing, discovering purpose in life, electronic waste recycling systems, effective promotion and networking skills, changing perception on life . . . and on May 22, Yvonne Perry will be Lillian's guest to discuss the world of writing:

Conscious Discussions Airs Live on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:00 AM - PST. Archives are always available. and you are invited to stop by and visit. Here is the Conscious Discussions schedule for MAY:

May 1st - Therese Tappouni, a certified hypnotherapist, author, and co-founder of the ISIS Institute, discusses how to turn anger and tragedy into blessing and teaches how to uncover your life's purpose.

May 4th - Gardening: with guest, Larraine Roulston. Discussing Worms and Children.

May 6th- Alda Nicmans is the Executive Director of ESABC. She will discuss the national perspective of e-waste management, liaising with other programs and government relations with respect to program expansion and accountability.

May 8th - Author, Traci Slatton will discuss what mid-life means to people in this generation as compared to generations of the past. We’ll see the trends that are happening today and what this means.

May 11th - Gardening:

May 13th - Shayla Price is with us today to share information on how we can promote our services and network with others effectively.

May 15th - Barbara Holstein is a psychologist, author and a happiness life coach; she will be discussing her work.

May 18th - Gardening:

May 20th - Author, Life Coach and Spiritual Psychologist, Jaia Lee will discuss changing thought patterns to create a better life are quite interesting.

May 22nd - Yvonne Perry is an experienced freelance writer, operates a writer’s newsletter, manages a blog and provides marketing services for authors or business owners as well. Yvonne and Lillian are going to discuss their experiences in the world of writing.

May 25th - Gardening:

May 27th - Host, Lillian Brummet, discusses the process of writing book reviews.

Feel free to drop in and listen to the live and archived shows anytime! You are welcome to comment on or rate any show of your choice.

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