Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Suite101.com Hires Dating Expert Cherie Burbach

August 15, 2007 – Vancouver, BC – Suite101.com, an online magazine with more 10 years on the Web and attracting more than 2 million readers monthly, proudly announces dating and relationship expert Cherie Burbach as their new Dating Feature Writer. Burbach will help round out Suite101.com’s Parents & Partners section with the launch of a new Dating site at http://dating.suite101.com/. The site provides free articles, resources, and blogs on dating and relationship issues.

Cherie Burbach is an online relationship consultant with Personals Trainer, helping daters write great profiles that catch attention. She used her experience with meeting her husband online to pen At the Coffee Shop, a humorous look at the world of Internet dating. Burbach knows what it's like to maneuver the dating world while trying to find someone who is exactly right for you. Her new book, Internet Dating is Not Like Ordering a Pizza will be released in late September from Bonjour Publishing.

“People today are getting married later and enjoying the adventure that dating can sometimes be.,” said Burbach. “Singles know they don't need to settle, so they're not just looking for someone to marry, they're looking for the right someone. And in the meantime, they're thriving with their independent status.”

Readers of Suite101’s new Dating site are provided with the opportunity to share their own views and feedback and interact with Burbach directly through site discussion boards. Readers can sign up for updates on her articles through RSS feeds.

Burbach says today’s singles have more opportunities than ever before to meet the right people. Suite101’s Dating site provides information on speed dating, online dating, keeping a relationship strong, how to read the signs of cheating, how to spot an emotional affair... and much more.

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