Monday, June 11, 2007

The Osgoode Triology Contest

Read what you’ve been missing and win an autographed copy of

A Trial of One, the third in THE OSGOODE TRILOGY
by Mary E. Martin




Answer this question:

In which novel, Conduct in Question or Final Paradox, is someone shot in open court?

To be eligible, email your answer

Either 1] Conduct in Question/or
2] Final Paradox

to Yvonne Perry at

Between June 10th and 20th for the random draw on June 30th.


An autographed copy of Conduct in Question and Final Paradox, the first and second in The Osgoode Trilogy

Answer this question:

In what city does the protagonist, Harry Jenkins, practice his profession

Either 1] Toronto
2] New York
to be eligible email your answer to Yvonne at the same address.
Between July 10th and July 20th for the random draw on July 30th.


Conduct in Question

Final Paradox

A Trial of One

They’re all about murder, fraud and love—a new angle in the mystery/suspense genre.

When Harry Jenkins must expose murder and fraud, how does his life change?

In Conduct in Question—When charm masks the Florist’s sadistic artistry, everyone’s conduct is in question. But who is the Florist?

In Final Paradox—can love and forgiveness be found amid fraud and deceit?

In A Trial of One—Who will be the candidate in Dr. Hawke’s trial of one?

Only by finding answers to these tough questions can Harry change his life.

Harry Jenkins is a most unlikely hero. The protagonist of all three novels is a middle-aged lawyer, who feels with dead certainty that life is passing him by. Trapped under his senior partner’s thumb and stuck in a dead marriage, he is desperate for change—almost any change.

In Conduct in Question, when Richard Crawford, Harry’s elegant and refined senior partner, drops dead in the office, Harry is free to make his own mistakes. Circumstance calls Harry to outwit a brilliant serial killer, dubbed by the media as the Florist—a sadistic murderer who carves floral designs on the naked flesh of his young, female victims. His sadism is heightened by his obsession with carving beautiful line drawings—to rival the artistry of the painter Henri Matisse. And yet, paradoxically, this man struggles to experience a sense of compassion. As well, Harry is nearly suckered into a money-laundering scam, from which he must escape.

In Final Paradox and A Trial of One, Harry, relentlessly pursued by the mob, must unravel a complex fraud upon a fraud to find a huge sum of money for his elderly client, Norma Dinnick. As she teeters between madness and lucidity, Harry tries to make sense of Norma’s paradoxical claims. Is she a helpless victim or the perpetrator of the fraud? To beat these malevolent forces, Harry has to call upon powers and abilities he did not know he possessed—keen intelligence, intuition and moral conviction. But he does not have to accomplish all this alone. Lucky for him, with his wife gone, real love from the beautiful Natasha helps him on his journey and waits for him at the end of the trilogy. But don’t worry! The hunt for the money ends in Venice.

To receive an email with a progressive reading of the first chapter of A TRIAL OF ONE, join the RSS feed for Writers in the Sky blog here: .

Remember the two questions


In which novel, Conduct in Question or Final Paradox, is someone shot in open court?
And email your answer either Conduct in Question/or Final Paradox to


In what city does the protagonist, Harry Jenkins, practice his profession

Either 1] Toronto
2] New York

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