Penny C. Sansevieri will be Yvonne Perry's guest on Writers in the Sky Podcast March 23, 2007
Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns. Her company researched, developed and implemented the first comprehensive Internet publicity campaign called The Virtual Author Tour™.
Penny began her career in the publicity, book marketing, and literary field over 15 years ago. During that time she has been an author, freelance writer, publicist, and instructor. She has been instrumental in creating several highly successful marketing and publicity campaigns for author events and book launches. Penny has developed and implemented countless marketing and publicity strategies and has worked with such high profile clients as world renowned psychic and ghost buster, Jane Doherty, Jac Flanders (of the original Fantastic Four) and Tammi Menendez, wife of Erik Menendez, and the first eBay auction of a Princess Diana gown (lot “9” from Christie’s New York). Her clients have been featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, Essence Magazine, More Magazine, The Bridal Guide, National Public Radio, MSNBC, Something You Should Know, The Heloise Show, and many others.
Penny recently signed a three-book deal with a mainstream publisher: Morgan James Publishing, to re-release From Book to Bestseller and Get Published Today as well as publish her upcoming book, Red Hot Internet Publicity.
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