Sunday, February 18, 2007

Poetry Corner February 2007


Hustled and bustled,
Still, hands only put to heart,
Beings, only art.


A raindrop forms
In love's eye.
Joy, sadness, let go.


Talk the talk, walk the walk, and even
Be the be, but, if you don't vote the vote, You won't ever be livin' in a democracy!


You, a joyous lake.
Me, a mountain underground,
Which, you fill and
Holds you always.
Within and without us,
Is this love.

James M. Nordlund is a mental health counseling supervisor by profession, into poetic revelation and workshop as individual and group therapeutic milieu. He is involved with A.A.P., I.A.W.A., A.P.R., Teacher's and Writer's Collaborative, I.W.W.G., Univ. of the Sts., Lummox, Nomad's Choir, Poet's House, St. Mark's Poetry Project, Beans About It, P.E.N. Friend, NAFPT.

James is featured on his multi-art show, "Matutinally Watered Poetree" on Manh, cable, and other T.V. and radio shows. He has been a co-editor, assistant editor, written columns amd published over 400 works and is currently a regional editor for Poet To Poet, out of N.Y.C.. Submission, twigs of poetree.

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