Monday, September 07, 2009

Viva Cisco

Patrick Shannon will be joining us on Writers in the Sky Podcast to share his work of fiction, Viva Cisco, on September 11th, 2009!

Patrick Shannon is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. After serving in the United States Coast Guard, he worked thirty-three years for a major oil company, bringing him rich experiences from traveling Asia, the Middle East and the U.S. Born and raised in Southern California, Shannon attended UCLA, Oklahoma and East Carolina universities.

Synopsis of Viva Cisco

Visit the valley of Topopootl on any given day, and chances are it will be in a stew over another one of Cisco the Parrot's schemes. In Book One, his show biz debut bombs big-time; he is trounced, in Anything Goes Wrestling, by a pair of cockroaches; his attempt at a high altitude flying record ends in a crash landing; and then he starts the weirdest business you ever heard of.

Book Two has Cisco registering 10 on the Richter Scale as a private eye who, amazingly, solves a crime. Only it isn't a crime.

In Book Three, Cisco and his pals go on a dangerous but wacky mission to find a long forgotten story, preserved in a secret room in a strange pyramid. What they seek is the answer to a nagging question: "Why do we owe the skunks so much?"

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